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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anything to do in Elmira NY?

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Looks like I'll be there for a few hours tomorrow night and Saturday morning and I may need something to do.

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The have a sheet there.. I have actually heard that its pretty nice.

First Arena

155 N. Main Street

Elmira, NY 14901

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i've played there. For some reason i want to say that is the rink with the semi pro team, but I might have it confused with another rink down in that area of the state.

isn't there a glass museum in elmira?

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wish you were in hawaii?

Reminds of of the shirt I almost got at margaritaville "Weather's here, wish you were beautiful"

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So Chadd, IS there anything to do in Elmira, or did Badkitty have it nailed?

I got in late and ended up only being there for a couple hours. There wasn't a lot to do between 1AM and 10AM as far as I could tell.

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