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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Picked up my ONE90's today...

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I took them to stick time, and natrually it was cancelled. I do have a game tonight that I am going to try them in. These are the first skates that I ever bought that felt amazing when I put them on. My Vapor XXX's, killed my feet at first till I baked them. These felt great from right out of the box. Im really excited to skate in these and i will definatly post my thoughts when I get back in tonight. :D

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i wish someone would get the supreme one70's i wanna hear some stuff about them

I agree. I saw them at my LHS last week and the liked the look and feel of them.

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Dude, where at? Peranis just has the single skate (which fits like a F'ing glove).

I live in Vancouver and I have seen them at The Hockey Shop, Cyclone Taylor, and Larry's Sports. I believe they are $499.00 Cdn.

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i got the 70's a couple days ago i am very pleased with the fit i havent skated on them yet so that really all i know but they are very light and have a very soft inside ill post more after i skate on them a few times

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i wish someone would get the supreme one70's i wanna hear some stuff about them

to correct its the supreme 70. they looked pretty nice good liner and everything,glad to see they have the new holder on them. Wonder how long till the LS2 is gone and Lightspeed power takes over

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i wish someone would get the supreme one70's i wanna hear some stuff about them

to correct its the supreme 70. they looked pretty nice good liner and everything,glad to see they have the new holder on them. Wonder how long till the LS2 is gone and Lightspeed power takes over

Probaly a while, I know a few people with one 90's and they are having LS2's put on them, don't like the purple look of the LS Power and also hate the way they feel when turning.

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i wish someone would get the supreme one70's i wanna hear some stuff about them

to correct its the supreme 70. they looked pretty nice good liner and everything,glad to see they have the new holder on them. Wonder how long till the LS2 is gone and Lightspeed power takes over

Probaly a while, I know a few people with one 90's and they are having LS2's put on them, don't like the purple look of the LS Power and also hate the way they feel when turning.

yeah cause your getting an extra 3-4mm of blade on the ice in length. so for sure its gunna feel super diferent when turning and everything

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Dude, where at?  Peranis just has the single skate (which fits like a F'ing glove).

I live in Vancouver and I have seen them at The Hockey Shop, Cyclone Taylor, and Larry's Sports. I believe they are $499.00 Cdn.

I'm pretty sure that's the one70s you're talknig about.

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From a few posts back.. i thought the 70s already had LS2P on them. I'm pretty sure thats what i've seen at my LHS.

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Well I skated onto the ice in them and they kind of seemed to want to go one way while I wanted to go the other. After about 2 minutes of skating around in them the BIGGEST thing was all teh forward and back flex...getting used to that.

Once the game got started I got settled in and just played fine. My first shift they were VERY comfortable. I noticed a huge difference in the way I was skating. I had more "hop" in my crossovers, and it felt like I was moving a little quicker.

The second shift I started to feel that pain where your feet and skate are saying yo man you have to break this in! After that I went to the locker room and put on my XXX's and THAT took me another shift to get used to again.

I skated in the during actual play for about 6 minutes and besides the breaking in pain I really was impressed with the skate. Im going to go to a few stick times this week and hopefully get comfortable in them. My XXX's took me about 3 games to get used too.

Oh and someone asked if I baked them, yes I did.

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