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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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So who's got the fireworks ready?

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Locked and loaded here in NY, where its illegal. Didnt stop us :) Gonna give P-Diddy a run for his money out in the hamptons. ;)






It's goin down.

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Some guy from Quebec burned down several houses a couple of days ago for the St-Jean Baptiste(the holiday for the people from Quebec) while lighting up some fireworks. I think there is something like 800 000$ in total damage. So be safe with that kind of stuff.

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Man, I haven't had too much firework fun since I left Oklahoma where everything was legal!

Nice to see the Roman candles and the festival ball/shells.

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Dude Thockey where in NY are you and i must say DAAAAAAMN

Long Island.

and did you go over the border to get all those?

Yes. We went to the Phantom Fireworks just past the Delaware Water Gap.

Are fireworks not legal all over the US then?

You are Correct. Most Southern states allow you to use/store fireworks. But up in the NorthEast, its pretty much banned. If we were to have gotten caught with them coming over the bridge in NYC, our car wouldve been instantly seized.

Nice to see the Roman candles and the festival ball/shells.

My man knows his stuff. Tons of Roman Candles for the little kids to play with, and 184 mortar shells for the big boys. My uncle is bringing out some 1.5 inch shells that were confiscated for people in the city. For all you who dont know, 1.5 inchers are used by professionals (grucci, etc.)

why do you guys celebrate 4th of July. is it independance day or what?

Its Independance Day which turned into a day to burn up hundreds or thousands of dollars of fireworks.

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in states fireworks are legal but as thockey said they arent in NY or NJ for that matter or else id be loadin up too

they arent legal in minnesota, but they are in wisconsin

so far i only got about 4 packs of bottle rockets and 2 packs of firecrackers...nothing to special

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