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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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mtn. bikes

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for any of you that like to mtn. bike, what kind of bike do you use? i was looking at a specialized stumpjumper fsr xc. a friend of mine has one and it is really nice. what is another good bike that i might like? not too expensive.


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I had a Giant Rainier. Really nice aluminum bike, front suspension, disc brakes etc.... around 1100$ Cnd.. Well worth it in my opinion. My first two good bikes were Kona Cinder Cone heavy as hell though but was good quality/value and a Rocky Mountain Stratos which was also a good quality/value bike. Both had no suspension whatsoever and cantilever brakes which IMO suck the big one. Discs are awesome!!!

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disk breaks are the best but i would say 95% of all people would do very well having it only in the front wheels which is where all your stopping power is. i like the old school breaks in the back cause i think it's better at slowing you down and gives you more feel then what a disk break can do.

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Don't go specialised, i work in a bike shop and they are way over priced for what you get. You're paying for the name big time. Check out Kona and Norco, the Kona's have shed alot of pounds over the years and are good value, in the lower price ranges you dont as good components as oter companies but you get a waaaaaaaay better frame. Their frame quality is awesome, as you spend more you get value compared to specialised and Trek. Norco are very good value too, solid frames and good compnents.

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Brother in Law gave me his Gary Fisher Mamba-I'm no expert bicyclist but it seems to have good components, lightweight and has worked well so far-seems to be well made and the bike shop I took it to said the Fishers are very good bikes for what you spend on them

just my .02

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where do you live ?? what kind of trails are you going to ride?? I'm in Texas so I prefer to have a hardtail. I have a giant xtc and a old trek that I've built up to a single speed... which I've been riding more and more.

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get the specialized, my brother has one!! His is the specialized stumpjumper disc comp,its so light, like omg!! myself i have a giant rock,its crap,but i would like to buy myself a nice road bile with the skinny fran, tires and all that. that would be so fun, cause they go so fast.

but yea get the specialized, tis but a good bike!! Norcos are also good, and cheap bikes!!

But if your not a big mountain big enthusiust, DONT buy an expensive bike!!!

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Cannondale. 'nuff said

gotta have a rather fat wallet tho :o


Woah!!! No go on the cannondale, your paying at least 20% over what you should be for the name, they have stupid gimmic 'innovations' (Lefty fork ffs) and good luck trying to find a place that will service it for the same rate as another brand.

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I've ridden Yetis, VooDoos, and currently I ride a Marin Wildcat Trail. Awesome components and nice price, super light, and bomb-proof!


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For the past few years i have been riding a specialized hardrock comp. Fairly light bike. Not the kind of bike i needed for the riding i was into. It's in my basement in peices. To expensive to repair. Im not really into that Whyte bike that was displayed ether.

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treat it like a pair of skates..do some reading, go to shops...find out what you like and what you need..(ie we don't need an OPS..but most of us want one!)

most mfgs will have similar components (Fr/Rear Derailuer, cranks, brakes, ) and some (Specialized, Trek, Cannnondale) make most of the accessories (handlebar, stem seatpost, some cranks etc) with their own brand..

make sure it fits..find a shop that lets you take it more than around the block...narrow it down to your 3 faves ..and retest...

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