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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Got a little bored tonight

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I got a little bored tonight cause I had nothing to do, so I just started spraypainting random things. Sticks, blades, shafts, skates, and I painted the holders on my 5K's. Didn't turn out too bad actually


First coat, BTW

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As in pictures taken with my digi camera? I'll try once I can find some decent batteries around the house.

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No it's not. I put tape on it so it wouldn't drip all over it.

There were no excess drips or stuff on the boot, or blade.

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Anyone else remember Eric G's gold t'Blades?

Yep. Very slick.

Never saw em, sound nice though. Did he have pictures on here?

And I wish I could get the more metallic look like Ovechkin has, cause then that would look even better. I'm going to try and find some clear paint today and put that on, but I don't know if I have any!

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My skates also aren't top of the line. They're only 5K's.

To be sure I would like them, I did it to my old Vector 6.0's first. I liked the look, so I did them to my RbK's

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dude those are hot... you should put about four coats of clear on top. if you go to an auto parts store they have chip-resistant paint, i believe it comes in clear. that way they don't get all beat up so soon...

if you're wanting the metallic look, they have a "chrome" and "gold plated" paint at auto parts places that is really nice.

get the 8ks paint the holders green to match the pump that would kick ass!

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My sister just said I shoulda went green, but I didn't like the sound of that. I'm going to try and find some clear coat paint to use. Here's pictures of the Vectors.


That was done with Sharpie.



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If I ever play with you I'm zipping passes off your skates until all that crap chips off. That is hideous.

Haha, you're 2 years older than me, and from New York. I don't think I'll be playing you. ;)

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If I ever play with you I'm zipping passes off your skates until all that crap chips off. That is hideous.

you're just jealous :huh:

vectors look really nice. try to get a "flexible" clearcoat that is used for car bumpers and trim so it won't chip as much and it is less likely to crack when your holder flexes.

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