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pink tps gloves

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Whatever floats your boat....But honestly why pink gloves?...Your game would have to be so top notch where Im from to wear pink gloves...But no one around here would wear those funny looking things anyway....Do people where the pink because they want to be seen?...Ive seen one guy at a tourny have pink gloves, wheels, and stick...and his game was so bad, I wouldnt have wanted to wear anything that made me stand out....

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I cant' remember the site, but someone had fury gloves (not just print, they really were fuzzy). They looked like a cheetah or something.

Can't decide which one is more disgraceful...

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Whatever floats your boat....But honestly why pink gloves?...Your game would have to be so top notch where Im from to wear pink gloves...But no one around here would wear those funny looking things anyway....Do people where the pink because they want to be seen?...Ive seen one guy at a tourny have pink gloves, wheels, and stick...and his game was so bad, I wouldnt have wanted to wear anything that made me stand out....

thats what i was talkin about. i would beat your ass if i was playin agianst you if you had pink gloves.

in the wors of sienfeld "hipster dufus"

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I don't see the need for pink, although this is coming from some one who now has gold holders like Ovechkin, but I don't see the need for pink hockey equipment. I won't take runs at people have it, cause whatever they want to do, fine. I just don't see the need for something like that.

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that glove is a modified HG12 with I believe a better palm and cuff design, possibly revamped thumb..they make a black/white option too ..etc..if they didn't sell well (the orange, pink, yellow..) etc ..Giant wouldn't be doing it..

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I don't see the need for pink, although this is coming from some one who now has gold holders like Ovechkin, but I don't see the need for pink hockey equipment. I won't take runs at people have it, cause whatever they want to do, fine. I just don't see the need for something like that.

i am not a fan of the pink. A lot of players in my area are doing it and most of them play rather well and can defend their pink wearing with all out great play, however pink hockey equipment, much like tattoos, has become more mainstream then it ever should have. Personally I prefer Purple. I use purple tape exclusivly and have thought about painting my stick purple and dying my runners purple as well. but to each his own. I really hope purple never catches on and nobody ever wears it or uses it.

As for the actual question in the thread the TPS Gloves are actually rather comfortable and break in easily enough. They seemed worth the money, if you desired pink gloves. I think Mission even makes a pink stick so you can match. The gloves are nice though. A friend f mine has them and she loves them. Said she woul dhave bought them even if they werent pink.

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I really hope purple never catches on and nobody ever wears it or uses it.

Haha, my school team's jerseys are purple and gold so we all use purple tape B)

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A friend f mine has them and she loves them. Said she woul dhave bought them even if they werent pink.

Key word, she.

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wwwhat is with all of these TPS X-Lite gloves? they have Los angelos, west hollywood, and orange county. wtf is this? a fashoin statement or somehting? personally i dont likethem.

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wwwhat is with all of these TPS X-Lite gloves? they have Los angelos, west hollywood, and orange county. wtf is this? a fashoin statement or somehting? personally i dont likethem.

Are those teams or just names for the gloves?...

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The Hockey Giant description says "Louisville TPS X-Lite Senior Hockey Gloves - West Hollywood". I don't know if this is an inside joke from TPS, Hockey Giant, or neither, but for those who don't know Los Angeles, West Hollywood is the most prominent, and sometimes notorious, gay neighbourhood in LA. Although, a lot of the hippest straight clubs, like those that Hollywood stars are always being seen at, are there too.

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