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New shinguards...need some help

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Hey guys

I'm in the market for new shin pads, seeing as mine are being held together in some spots by electrical tape. :(

Anyway, I am probably going to be splitting time on defense and forward and I am the type of player that "throws my body" in front of the puck. I am also looking for something that protects the back of my legs and that isn't too pricey.

Any suggestions?

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vectors are nice, they're a floating design shin pad. Haven't taken anything hard to the pads yet but they seem nice and protective.

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RBK 8k's are excellent for front protection, but the back of the calf can be a little bare. I've taken slappers, and various slashes to the shins and barely felt them, but I was being stupid and clearing some pucks once and a team mate caught me right in the unprotected part of the calf in back, I did have a nice bruise for a while.

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Go with the RBK 7 or 8K,s or the Bauer 8000 shins. Lots of protection and light so their great for forward or defensive positions. For a great fit go with the Easton S9's and good top end protection. IMO.

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I have both RBK 8K's and 6K's and play defense most of the time. I haven't had any problems with either pad. I did strip away the calf protection and all the straps, but that's how I like wearing em. I don't suggest you do this for your needs though. Good luck.

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I'm really big on tight-fitting straps because I'm too lazy to worry about tape. If you're like me, then keep reading.

In my opinion, RBKs have the most secure straps. I'm currently using RBK 4Ks since I use 13", and they don't make 7K or 8K in that size. The 5K has a non-ventilated shell and a traditional liner whereas the 6K and 4K have a ventilated shell with suspension pads. I went for the newfangled "technology" of the 4/6K over the 5K. Between the 4K and 6K, I didn't feel like the 6K (at $60) offered $20-worth more protection than the 4K (at $40).

My previous shinguards were Itech Kinetix 4. Those have pretty snug straps too, although not quite as good as the RBKs. On the other hand, they have more peripheral protection (those soft wing pads around the knee) than my RBKs. They also have far superior calf protection to the RBKs. The extended calf wing has polyethylene inserts like ribs that offer a nice combination of both protection and fit. I imagine it would take a very rare freak shot to hit you in the tiny gap that isn't covered by the calf wing.

If you're looking for a great deal, I'd go for the Itech Techlite 655 or Itech Kinetix 8 shinguards on clearance. Those are the same general design but a step up from the Kinetix 4, and I believe those were Itech's top of the line in their respective model years. I also think their straps are better than the current generation of Itech shinguards. JR's store has some really good prices for them.

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Jofa/RBK for me. I have 7500s (5ks), and they're excellent. Snug fit, excellent straps (I don't use tape--at all), great protection, not too heavy.

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I have Jofa 9090s that I picked up brand new at the Reading Royals eqpt sale for $60. The pads themselves are great (protection and comfort wise), especially for that price. I'm not a fan of the one strap though. It's not comfortable at all and doesn't serve much of a purpose since there is no bottom strap. Tape takes care of that problem though. Also I find the calf protection to be a bit tight, but I think that may be because the pads are a bit large for my mesh socks. The cotton knit socks should solve that issue.

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i´ve always worn jofas the past 15 years, from high level to beer league. for me absolutely great protection and great fit, and IMO very durable. great plus is you can choose how protective or bulky you wanna have them cause theres a wide product range at rbk/jofa and you can always get some good deals on older jofa models.

bauers and vectors may also be very good :)

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I went for the newfangled "technology" of the 4/6K over the 5K.  Between the 4K and 6K, I didn't feel like the 6K (at $60) offered $20-worth more protection than the 4K (at $40).


How are you liking your newfangled technology on the 4k? Do you like the "Air Exchange" thing with the Fit Lite suspension straps? You think they make a difference?

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The "Fit Lite" isn't exactly uncomfortable, but they probably are slightly less comfortable than a liner. It doesn't really bother me though.

As for the air-flow, I don't notice any real difference. For me to get a breeze into my shinguards, air would have to pass through my socks, into the mesh covered vent holes, and then pass back out somewhere. I never really considered profuse leg sweating to be a hindrance to my hockey performance anyway.

However, I'm thinking that because the suspension straps reduce the amount of contact between my skin and the shinguard fabric, then perhaps there will be less sweat absorption by the pad. Whether or not I'll actually feel cooler is one thing, but I'm theorizing that less sweat absorption will at least lead to less rank-smelling equipment.

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If you're looking for a great deal, I'd go for the Itech Techlite 655 or Itech Kinetix 8 shinguards on clearance.  Those are the same general design but a step up from the Kinetix 4, and I believe those were Itech's top of the line in their respective model years.  I also think their straps are better than the current generation of Itech shinguards.  JR's store has some really good prices for them.

Just picked up some Kinetix 8 on clearance on eBay (sorry JR, tried to buy at the store but they wouldn't match another eBay store's price). These puppies better be good, or there's gonna be a cause for alarm (badum bump! :P ).

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Just picked up some Kinetix 8 on clearance on eBay (sorry JR, tried to buy at the store but they wouldn't match another eBay store's price). These puppies better be good, or there's gonna be a cause for alarm (badum bump! :P ).

Hey, if you don't like them and you plan on seeking revenge against me, just keep in mind that I can just slip into the shadows and change my identity!

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