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best thumb and finger protected hockey glove

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hi i just had surgery on my thumb because my thumb bent back because there was no thumb support in my gloves so i want to get a better padded glove so that it prevents it from happeneing it again. i curently have eagle X70's and love the features on the eagles (i.e. open wrist) so i was wondering what is a good glove with an open wrist that is padded.

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i had a pair of TPS Response gloves and they had the best thumb protection i had ever seen, i know kosydar said the same about the HGTs model but tall thie models have great protection

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The Oakley Mace gloves have unreal thumb protectection. The wrist is open like on the Eagles. Great glove...go try a pair and see for yourself.

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My custom Response Plus gloves have awesome thumb protection, as mentioned above. The finger protection is beefy with big pads and plastic inserts. The only downside protection wise is the side of the pinky finger; Thereare only very slim pads sewn to the gussets there.

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I've been using the Vapor XV glove for about 2 months and I have not had a sore finger yet. The gloves feel absolutely great, and the protection is very good. I play roller hockey with a bunch of old pro ice hockey players and all they do is slash at my hands, but like I said my hands have not felt anything yet. And for about $75 they are a steal!

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The best thumb and finger protection has to be the eagle sentery. Those things are insane i tried a pair, and I had a friends hit the thumb full speed with a stick and didn't feel a thing.

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I have several pairs of Eagles and I would suggest since you like the fit of Eagle to get a "+" pair. I've got a pair of x91+. The "+" is a plastic one piece thumb. Kind of a scaled down sentry concept. There is a little decrease in thumb mobility but great protection. I got tired of getting my thumb mashed on faceoffs and switched to the X91+ , kindof regret the slash guard crap but really like the "+" protection.

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If you really want a well protected thumb, try to find a pro-stock glove that you like because most of them have lock thumbs which are unbelieveably stiff and protective...

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If you really want a well protected thumb, try to find a pro-stock glove that you like because most of them have lock thumbs which are unbelieveably stiff and protective...

my ccm pro stocks have unreal protection ont he thumb, most ive ever seen. look at them in this pic:


just look at where the thumb is, you can slightly see the thumb piece being pretty high, as they have so much protection

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AHH! Ghosts!


CCM gloves are pretty solid protection wise, but their quality is somewhat questionable. A friend's 652s are falling apart after 4-5 months and he doesnt even play on a team.

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ya but these are pro stocks, onyl thing going after 2 years are the palms (which i like torn onmy upper hand) and the gusset on my upper pinky which i liek as well, but for others woudlnt be as fun

and 2 years is some good lifetime for gloves

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hi i just had surgery on my thumb because my thumb bent back because there was no thumb support in my gloves so i want to get a better padded glove so that it prevents it from happeneing it again.

Ones that come to mind are Bauer Supreme 5000 (great locked thumb and open cuff), last year's Vapor 10 or the new XX, XV, the '02 Itech 6000 or 8000 had a great thumb, and as was mentioned before almost any pro-stock gloves would be good for you as well. Just about any glove that has a locked thumb will do.

If you want a pair of dirt cheap supreme 5000s that were used once let me know... I'd be glad to part with them on the cheap for someone in your situation.

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I think the Nike Quest gloves with the lobster tail thumb are the best for your thumbs, but they kind of get in the way in my opinion. But overall a good glove in terms of protection.

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If you like the Eagle x-70 glove, why don't you try to get a pair of Eagle X-70+. They are the exact same fit as the x-70's, but they have the full lock 1-piece thumb. By the way, the Eagle 1 piece thumb is great.

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I think the Nike Quest gloves with the lobster tail thumb are the best for your thumbs, but they kind of get in the way in my opinion. But overall a good glove in terms of protection.

I don't reccomend the Nike Quest glove. I think the glove itself is great, but the lobster tail is almost a hazard to have on a glove. While it may have great slash protection or protection from pucks, the seam where it meets the backroll and the rest of the glove is too weak. I think that with the very hard plastic of the lobster tail it will not give enough if you fall with your stick straight out (in a sense "cross-checking" the ice). I also messed up my thumb (broke it) by it being "used" almost as a lever between the stiff lobster tail and my stick. While this may be an isolated incident I wouldn't like to break it again. Sorry for the long post but I just think that the lobster tail Quest glove is really bad for a person that just recovered from thumb surgery.

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Sorry to bring up such an old thread, but I sprained and potentially fractured my thumb yesterday and was wondering if it is still the general consensus that prostock is best followed by anything TPS makes? I was wearing prostock Nike Quests when it happened, but I noticed that they have quite a bit of lower thumb mobility, which happens to be the area were I suffered the injury.

I'm really looking for some possible retail gloves with good thumb-locks, but I could always go the ebay/etailer route for prostocks. I had a pair of prostock TPS Bionics in the past that I hated (they did have a nice thumb lock with the inserts), but I've never had a chance to try on HGTs.

Anyways, its been almost 2 years since this was discussed...any new thoughts?

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