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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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confusion with painting blade holders

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can someone give me a step by step process or a link to a step by step process for painting my ls2s i am somewhat dumb and cant process going from one thread to another bc of add

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yeah what whbd18 said but do it carefully and make sure that the outsole is completely coverev adn tape a bag over the rest of the boot

take out the steel which makes it a lot easier than taping that up to

spray on 3-4 coats of Krylon Fusion Paint with color of choice

use a clear coat if you like

let dry completely puit in steel taek off tape and you should be good to go

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When you say put on a clear coat is there some kind of krylon brand clear coat you should use or is there any certain one you would recomend or will just any kind of clear spray paint work?

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I might be considering painting my Pitch holders when my 110 AG's arrive. I'm not sure what colour I would paint them...

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I might be considering painting my Pitch holders when my 110 AG's arrive. I'm not sure what colour I would paint them...

im also getting 110 AG's adn since my teams colors are green and whit i was thinkin a forest green would look sick

or black like kovalchuk said

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I was thinking black, but I was also thinking navy, red, navy, like Ovechkins at one point... cuz my teams colours are navy and red. It'd look sick. I'll prolly just go with black though.

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I painted mine, they turned out o.k., You can tell they were painted. Plus, they chip when smacked by a puck or your other skate. IF you are going to paint them, I would suggest taking them off of the boot. That way you only need to worry about getting the paint even as opposed to getting paint on the rest of the boot. If I had to do it over again, here's what you do:




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I think you can get spray-on dye for plastic. You apply it like spray paint, but since it's a dye it won't chip off like paint. I've seen it in automotive stores (for dying plastic panels of a car's interior). I've never tried it but I've heard good things. Of course, you need a light colored plastic to start with, preferably white.

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I'm not familiar with the spray on dye for plastic, but I tried some black spray on fabric dye for the felt of my tongue (since I messed up the felt when I spray painted my boots- **note** - I covered the boot but the particles in the air still caught the felt) and it sucked. The felt is now grey and so are the insides of my shinnies and socks. I'd do it the old fashioned way if it's anything like that.

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