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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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song question

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The song I'm thinking of is from the movie BIG with tom hanks, when he is jumping on the trampoline with the girl in his apartment. Will Smith used the beat in the MIB song, anyone know the original?

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I had to break out the movie. It's Heart and Soul by Hoagy Carmichael.

Robert Downey was in a movie with that title and they used a great version of the song, but I don't know whose version it was.

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The one that he used for the men in black theme is the song I said... I dont know what scene heart and soul is in.

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It was the scene where Tom Hanks and Robert Loggia were jumping on the large keyboard on the floor. If I remember, Hanks started jumping on the keyboard, then Loggia (who was the Big Cheese) recognized the tune and joined.

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I thought they were playing Chopsticks?

What's interesting is the scene's title on the DVD is Chopsticks, but the part I heard was definitely Heart and Soul. Plus it was in the credits, although no perfomer was listed, which is what they usually do when it's just music without singers.

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I thought they were playing Chopsticks?

What's interesting is the scene's title on the DVD is Chopsticks, but the part I heard was definitely Heart and Soul. Plus it was in the credits, although no perfomer was listed, which is what they usually do when it's just music without singers.

That was they only have to pay the songwriting royalty and not the performance royalty as well. It's cheaper to hire someone to play a tune as a work for hire than to license a song most of the time.

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