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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth vs ST and SL

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Does the stealth out perform the st and sl?


personally i think that the stealth out peforms the sl and the st but :rolleyes: the durability is obviously over powered by the st hence the name super tough and i dont even need to explain the sl's there a whole different story...

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They all have different feels and many prefer one against the other two. Yes, the CNT Stealth is now Easton's top "performer" but it's really about what you like. They all have different technology put into them, and none of them feel anything like the other one on the ice. I'd suggest going and trying someone's out on the ice. All are really popular so just ask someone to lend you it for five minutes so you can get an idea.

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after playing with a stealth for like 10 minute, i found it too light, the puck was like a heavy 10lb object! And my Sl for me it's just perfect light but not too light.I'm interesting in trying the ST.

However, I'm using the combo Sl shaft and Z-carbon Sicore and it feel ALMOST like my SL one piece.

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isn't the stealth cnt supposed to be super durable? something about moving excess materials to the corners of the shaft.

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isn't the stealth cnt supposed to be super durable? something about moving excess materials to the corners of the shaft.

it's the exact same thing with TPS' sticks.

TPS Extreme Concave = Easton CRT

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CNT stealth has held up fantastic so far for myself and the other kids around here that have it. Chadd to tell the truth I'm pretty much clueless with TPS stick tech. but I thought that was just the shape of the shaft while there is actually excess material on the corners on the CNT.

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I thought TPS' was for a more comfortable grip, while the CNT's was moving excess material that was already on the shaft to the corners for increased durability. Both would lead to better durability and more comfortable(depending on whom you ask) but the CNT's version would keep the same weight.

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