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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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new shoulder pads

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Im using the bauer 4000's now and they are not very protective. I want a new pad that is bit more bulky around the shoulders and more protective. Im looking at the bauer 6000's or the rbk 5 or 6k's. What do you guys think?

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does anyone have an opinion on the bauer 6000 shoulders?

I wear Bauer 6000 shoulders. They are fairly protetctive but are probably a little overkill for beer league.

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The 6000's have been a very good pad, certainly an upgrade to the 4000's.

You can't go wrong with a Jofa (RBK) and the new Fuels 85's are pretty nice as well. A lot of it is PP and how they feel.

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thanks for the reply, im going to get the 6000's

im trying to decide between the 8k and 6k pants now...i found 6k pants for $59 new which is insane, are the 8k's much more protective or is this a steal for the 6k's?

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thanks for the reply, im going to get the 6000's

im trying to decide between the 8k and 6k pants now...i found 6k pants for $59 new which is insane, are the 8k's much more protective or is this a steal for the 6k's?

That's a steal on the 6ks, go for it! The 6ks offer plenty of protection. Unless you are taking some serious hits, the 6ks will be fine.

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ok sweet, im ordering online and dont know what size to get...im 5'9 170 lbs 32" waist....im guessing mens medium? I think large would be too big? I dont usually order stuff without trying it on but this deal is crazy.

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You can't go wrong with a Jofa (RBK) and the new Fuels 85's are pretty nice as well.

I thought the exposed hard plastic on the biceps of the Fuels was uncomfortable.

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hmm we talking abt shoulder pads right? rofl get confused when pants gets thrown in the picture..

i use vector 10 shoulder pads and elbow pads.. they are sweet.. the fit is great, its comfortable and protects well! oh the sweet thing abt the vector 10 is the spine protector on the back.. that is juz simply amazing..

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thanks for the reply, im going to get the 6000's

im trying to decide between the 8k and 6k pants now...i found 6k pants for $59 new which is insane, are the 8k's much more protective or is this a steal for the 6k's?

That's a steal on the 6ks, go for it! The 6ks offer plenty of protection. Unless you are taking some serious hits, the 6ks will be fine.

about the bauer 6000, i have it and feel that its not as protective as i would like

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thanks for the reply, im going to get the 6000's

im trying to decide between the 8k and 6k pants now...i found 6k pants for $59 new which is insane, are the 8k's much more protective or is this a steal for the 6k's?

That's a steal on the 6ks, go for it! The 6ks offer plenty of protection. Unless you are taking some serious hits, the 6ks will be fine.

about the bauer 6000, i have it and feel that its not as protective as i would like

Check out the Itech 990. The 660 is popular here but not as protective.

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thanks for the reply, im going to get the 6000's

im trying to decide between the 8k and 6k pants now...i found 6k pants for $59 new which is insane, are the 8k's much more protective or is this a steal for the 6k's?

That's a steal on the 6ks, go for it! The 6ks offer plenty of protection. Unless you are taking some serious hits, the 6ks will be fine.

about the bauer 6000, i have it and feel that its not as protective as i would like

Check out the Itech 990. The 660 is popular here but not as protective.

The itechs look very nice, im going to check these out for sure. Thanks for the tip.

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One word for both Jofa/RBk. You can't go wrong. Ninty five percent of professional players wear it. Got to be the best. ;)

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