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Question about shinguard sizing

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When all my equipment is on, the top flap of my shinguards keep popping out from the bottom of my pants. I wear a 14" now, but they seem a bit short, but the 15"'s seem a bit long. What would be better, staying with the 14 which might be a bit short, or go with 15's which might be a bit long.

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Not wanting to hijack, but I have the same question. I'm lucky enough to have 15 1/2" shinpads. They are ancient though...any companies make half sizes? The 16" that I tried seemed to be reallly wide and long, while the 15 fits my leg, cept they seem kinda short.

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Cut off the flap. Problem solved.

yeah or stick with the 14 just because with the 14 your gunna have less chance of the boot and your shin pad colliding. Cutting the flap is a very good idea if you want more coverage

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Cut off the flap.  Problem solved.

yeah or stick with the 14 just because with the 14 your gunna have less chance of the boot and your shin pad colliding. Cutting the flap is a very good idea if you want more coverage

or you could buy shin pads with removable/adjustable flaps.

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Cut off the flap.  Problem solved.

yeah or stick with the 14 just because with the 14 your gunna have less chance of the boot and your shin pad colliding. Cutting the flap is a very good idea if you want more coverage

or you could buy shin pads with removable/adjustable flaps.

So what your saying is if you get a 15 which would be longer. To cut the flap and that would make it shorter and fit better. What flap are you talking about?

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Cut off the flap.  Problem solved.

yeah or stick with the 14 just because with the 14 your gunna have less chance of the boot and your shin pad colliding. Cutting the flap is a very good idea if you want more coverage

or you could buy shin pads with removable/adjustable flaps.

So what your saying is if you get a 15 which would be longer. To cut the flap and that would make it shorter and fit better. What flap are you talking about?

the flap just below the plastic piece,its like an inch or so long

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do you wear them under or over your tongue?

if you usually wear them under, try them over top - with the 15's, the flap might stay inside your pants...

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My advice is stay with the smaller size so you don't have a problem at the top of your skate boot with the tongue area. You could either cut off the top flap or tape it down and tuck it under into your knee pad. After a while of being taped and tucked it will naturally bend back and shouldn't catch the bottom your pant leg. If that doesn't work you could try changing to a different make of shin pads. Although I don't like endorsing certain makes of equipment I've found that Easton shin pads have the best engineered top protective flap on their shin pads. They are naturally moulded to curve around your leg and are low profile and have very protective PU inserts. I have heard stories about problems with the middle and lower end models of these shins cracking from slap shots so I would probably stick to their higher end models like the Synergy 900 or 700s. All these options are up to your descression of course, I'm just trying to help you solve the problem.

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I have a pair of old CCMs that I cut down at the bottom of the pad to get the proper fit. (I wear them inside the tongue) I used a band saw, but any saw will do.

Put on your skates and line up your knee to the knee protector on the shinpads. Mark where you want to cut the pad (I did it about 1/4 of an inch above the top eyelet of my skates). You don't ant to go much higher than this, especially for ice, as the puck has a knack for finding open spots and causing lots of pain.

Before you cut through the plastic shell, cut the thread that holds the liner on, and you don't want to cut the liner. A cut liner will fray and look horrendous, maybe even fall apart. Also, the liner will offer protection from any jagged edges that may remain on the shinguard after cutting. If there is still an issue with jagged edges and pinching, just sand down the area that's bothering you.

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You could either cut off the top flap or tape it down and tuck it under into your knee pad. After a while of being taped and tucked it will naturally bend back and shouldn't catch the bottom your pant leg. If that doesn't work you could try changing to a different make of shin pads. Although I don't like endorsing certain makes of equipment I've found that Easton shin pads have the best engineered top protective flap on their shin pads. They are naturally moulded to curve around your leg and are low profile and have very protective PU inserts.

I'd be careful what you stick under the knee pad. A buddy of mine had a fold in his pad and when he slid into the boards the fold created a concentrated region of pressure which fractured his knee cap. It was a freak thing but it can happen.

I have some Itechs which also have the curved PU inserts in the thigh pad.

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