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IIHF Inline Championships

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Are any of the Inline world championship games going to be on TV this year? I would love to watch or even get a tape/DVD of the Czech team because it looks like Hemsky's playing for them again. He's on their roster on the Host site.

Thanks, B.

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Hemsky is the man at inline, the best player I have ever seen play! Its funny cause he plays D, I think in inline.

Always put your better players on D in inline

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kovalchuk71  Posted on Jul 9 2006, 08:27 PM

  HAHA Tv? Your kidding right?

If you look at the website some of the games are on Hungarian sports TV, so I was hoping that some might be on in Canada or maybe even the US...any Modsquaders from Hungary?

Edit: here's the websitehere's the website homepage

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yeah ,i dont get it espn or even espn2 could show some good inline hockey but instead they show poker or paintball,come on espn get with it,they took a chance with showing these "sports" why not take a chance with inline.

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Don't forget the trick shots of bowling!

Some many people have DVR's that could show these "new sports" (like inline) and 3am or something like that. It wouldn't take away from the 57 daily showings of sports center, the 8 episodes of poker, etc...and we could still watch the games.

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I've never seen anyone make the coke bottle shot, but I always hope they do.

I completely agree. Especially with ESPNews they don't need as many daily showings of Sportscenter as they have.

Though this thread doesn't need to go there, the worst I ever saw on ESPN2 was the national youth minigolf championships.

I would love to see Inline hockey, lacrosse, maybe even cricket (though I guess those games can last days, somehow).

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just watching some FIRS world inline games in detroit i will say this ,i saw some great inline hockey worthy of being on any sport channel,these games were fast and exciting,most teams were very skilled and played a great game of 4on 4.a lot of hockey fans are missing some real good hockey.

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