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Would you watch a "Stanley cup champions

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OK, back at home in GAA football they do this. Whoever wins the Sam (Sam Maguire Cup, awarded to the Champion), they then play an all star selection. For instance, when my home county won it in 1992 it was "Donegal v The Rest of Ireland"

Would "The Carolina Hurricanes v The Rest of the league" get much interest as an exhibition game. Say the week after the finals (thats when the Gaa does their game, when there is still interest in the league)

It just came to mind as I was talking to my mother, she was at the Donegal/Armagh game this week (Donegal Lost )

Do you think it would fly?

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The most important aspect of winning the Cup in my opiniuon is team chemistry. The 'Canes don't have that much outstanding individual talent, but play great team hockey. Matching a team like that up against a thrown-together All Star team would be a pretty lopsided game and probbaly not much fun to watch. But that's just my opinion; I don't even watch the All Star game because it's so boring.

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I wouldn't be interested. After the Stanley Cup it would be anti-climatic. Also, the all star game and international competition covers that aspect as well.

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I wouldn't be interested. After the Stanley Cup it would be anti-climatic. Also, the all star game and international competition covers that aspect as well.

Who cares if it is after the Stanley Cup? Have you ever watched the Pro Bowl? Now THAT is entertainment.

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The 'Canes don't have that much outstanding individual talent

Man I strongly disagree.

Staal- arguably one of the three best young players in the league.

Ward- one of the best young goalies in the league

Cole- stud

Stillman-very underrated, point-per-game player for the last couple of years

Recchi, Weight, Whitney, Cullen, and Gerber have all had successful careers, especially Recchi and Weight.

I will agree with you that the defense has no standouts, though.

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I don't like the idea because the teams change so much from year to year. The Carolina Hurricanes in February 07 won't be the same as the Hurricanes of June 06. Aaron Ward is gone, Matt Cullen is gone, Martin Gerber is gone. They just aren't the same team.

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That would be a slaughter, plain and simple. The NFL used to do that back in the 60s. The league champs would play the college all-stars in the first game of the pre-season. The Packers used to chew up the college kids and spit them out.

The Cup Champs/All-stars was the way it was done into the 60s in the NHL. I remember the 67 Leafs playing the All-Stars. Yes, Kosy, McCabe, and EasyB, I saw the Leafs play as Cup Champs! Ask your parents, it really did happen, JK!! I remember Bruce Gamble was in nets. Nowadays, any AS game in any pro sport is basically a joke, IMO.

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Would Carolina even be able to field a team will all the talk of everyone being banged up at this time of year? Also, would it be who is playing the best now like Pisani and Pominville or the best players like Datsyuk and Modano?

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The 'Canes don't have that much outstanding individual talent

Man I strongly disagree.

Staal- arguably one of the three best young players in the league.

Ward- one of the best young goalies in the league

Cole- stud

Stillman-very underrated, point-per-game player for the last couple of years

Recchi, Weight, Whitney, Cullen, and Gerber have all had successful careers, especially Recchi and Weight.

I will agree with you that the defense has no standouts, though.

I completely agree with you and the individual talent of the players you named. All I was trying to say is that overall, the talent of ALL the individual 'Canes players combined would not macth up to the combined individual (is that an oxymoron??) talent of an All Star team, and yet the 'Canes would still whoop an All Star team.

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