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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tour 2007

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NARCh starts in 2 days and the rink is just down the street. Hopefully they are set up on the first day although I am unsure if they would be. If they are I can let you know what the stuff looks like and maybe take some pictures.

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NARCh starts in 2 days and the rink is just down the street. Hopefully they are set up on the first day although I am unsure if they would be. If they are I can let you know what the stuff looks like and maybe take some pictures.

could you take pictures of mission stuff too?

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I think I'm more interested in Labeda's chassis for Tour... in fact I haven't been interested in Tour boots in the past...

ah... whats next? an all 82mm wheel setup? can't wait till it gets up into the 90mm. :lol:

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Well Ive been busy with my own adult leagues and work all week so I havent been able to make it to the rink yet but my first game is bright and early Thursday morning at 6:30 AM. Why NARCh has 20 year olds playing that early blows my mind but whatever. Ive seen the NARCh catalogue Justin was posting pictures from and Ill try and grab a copy and scan some gear for you guys in the next few days. Hopefully Tour has something similar or Ill bring a camera for that. Just wait a few more days guys and I should have something but from the pictures Ive seen off the NARCh site Tour has only been advertising the Codes 1 and 2 skates from last year.

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A few pictures of the 07 Tour skates are on www.narch.com

Are you sure? Because what I saw was a photo with the code 1, and it said Tours lastest addition. Maybe I miss the new stuff?

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I've been to the Tour booth a few times already and it is quite disapointing. They don't seem to have any new stuff for 2007 except for new pants.

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the code line is strong, but i wonder how its going to stack up to the all new wicked lineup that mission is coming out with in 2007? i guess we'll see....

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I've been to the Tour booth a few times already and it is quite disapointing. They don't seem to have any new stuff for 2007 except for new pants.

That's what I heard as well.

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i checked out the new ops by tour the getto i didnt like the colors which were like a pink yellow and some white mix,i thought it was heavy,heavier than the burner,and has that same grip feel , the new USA color gloves were a flat finnish,,nothing crazy.one thing thu cj yoder was testing the getto and getting some good shots off, i still think he is one of the best inline players in the world,by far.didnt pay much attention to the skates ,sorry guys.they also have a new color helmet- silver,and still looks and feels like the other helmets,in a way i dont get it their skates got really light and their sticks are getting really heavy.

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Gregg "pigeon" Thompson actually told me today that the ghetto is lighter than the burner. In my Opinion...if it is lighter, its not by much at all

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I'm offended! I'm calling a lawyer! This does NOT appeal to my Gen X Hip Hop culture sensibilities at all!

I'm a big Tour but what are they smokin', thats funny as hell... I'd buy one if they had patterns in their sticks other than "LEFT" and "RIGHT"

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sniper 21, funny you mention gregg ,he broke a stick during warm ups against canada,i dont know what stick it was,i hope it wasnt the the 'getto' .yeah i thought it was heavier,you know gregg the animal he is ,if any one gets a chance to check this stick out ,put up a plug,but how i saw it was this-the beemer,the lightest.the burner, just blade heavy.the getto,solid heavy.for the price i think the beemer is still the best stick.my opinion.

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let's give Greg some credit, he has bulked up significantly over the past 3 years..

anyone at NARCh get a better look at the Getto? Is it fabulous? (How am I asking someone about what's happening at NARCh..damn adulthood and insurance!!)

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So... it's been a while... any news?

I'm actually waiting for the Code 1's to go on sale...

I'm a cheap bastard, I know... ;)

C'mon Tour! Just mark those Code 1's down to $250 and I'm all over it!

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A few weeks ago I saw a new Tour boot that I thought was a high end item that turned out to be a low end boot. It was real clean and very unlike Tour's other boots.

And the big surprise was that it had lace locks just like RBK/CCMs. Made a little different, but the same! I thought it was on the wrong table. And VERY INEXPENSIVE.

I thought it was better looking than the Code 1. Should be interesting!

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The boot change might be for the better; some of the Tour stuff is made WAYY too fancy, with all the pointless lines, dots, squiggles, shiny stuff, etc.

I think the Code 1 is the plainest of all recent Tour skates, that's what I like it the most.

Plus, I am a big fan of the straight 80 frame; I got the Hum'er Chassis mounted on some Bauers, and they are my favorite skates right now, despite the boot being a bit too narrow in the heel area. I tried on some Code 1's and they are just awesome.

Don't know if I should get 9.0 or 9.5 though...

Will have to try some out next time I'm at the shop.

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I was wondering if any of you have skated the Tour Code1 or E2. I had picked up a pair of the Bluemax for really cheap (mainly for the chassis and wheels) and Didn't care for the boot, in particular the way they lace, almost like a tennis shoe. The boot gave me some ankle problems the last time I skated. The newer Tours looked to be designed differnt, but it's hard to tell by the pics online. Did they make them lace more like a traditional ice boot?

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I was wondering if any of you have skated the Tour Code1 or E2. I had picked up a pair of the Bluemax for really cheap (mainly for the chassis and wheels) and Didn't care for the boot, in particular the way they lace, almost like a tennis shoe. The boot gave me some ankle problems the last time I skated. The newer Tours looked to be designed differnt, but it's hard to tell by the pics online. Did they make them lace more like a traditional ice boot?

my e2's hurt my ankle like hell till i got them baked.

i almost got the bluemax for $100 on hockeygiant last weekend, but i don't really need another pair. i use my ccm's as a backup now.

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