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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Whats indisde of my shaft?

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I have a xxx lite and the other day i was glueing the end cap back in and noticed a like clear thin kinda paper like layer and was inside my shaft all along the inside it was clear and see through and went all the way down as far as my finger at least and it was kinda peeling off the inside. I have no clue what this is or what purpose it serves does any one know and is that bad that its coming off?

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This may be a wild guess, but its the only thing I can think of it being.

Im guessing its a wax like paper that they apply to the mold so the composite doesnt stick to the mold. This could also be why some ops and shafts have powder residue in the inside so the composite doesnt stick.

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When I snapped my XXX (not lite) it had this plasticy, waxy paper rolled up inside the shaft pretty much all the way to the hosel. I assumed it was for dampening/resonating purposes.

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i played around quitea bit with a piece i cut off my xxx lite and i was prying all the glue out for fun and i ripped out the wax paper. I thought it was for dampening purposes and to give better feel. I could be wrong though

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I could be mistaken, but I think I had the same thing on my Vapor VII OPS when I broke it (twice actually, first I cracked the blade and cut it off, then i snapped the shaft in half. Eh, what do you expect for $40).

I doubt they'd be using the same vibration dampening tequnique on the VII and the XXX, so it's most likely used in construction of the stick.

EDIT: 100 posts? already?

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The remains of the bladder. XXX Lite is bladder-molded.

Yes, and when I'm repairing them the plastic gums up the grooving tool. A lot of sticks are made with the bladder. As far as I know, only TPS uses dampening insterts.

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The material is part of an "air bladder" that is used in making the shaft.


The bladder is laid inside the "shaft" and the whole thing in put into a mold. The bladder is filled and it pushes all the air bubbles out of the composite materials.

Air = Voids and Voids = weakness.

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ok thanks for all the information but one last question is it bad that the bladder stuff is starting to peel off do i need it or now that the whole manufactoring process is done and over with is it just taking up space

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