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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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kingpin gloves

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reminds me of bauer supreme gloves and the fingers are really long but the palm feels nice as well as the liner

So does that mean you've tried them? If so hows the mobility? What glove do they compare to? Thanks :)

well just tried it on and played around with a stick at work and you,definately get more than what you pay for. Not overpriced at all in my opinion.

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I'm torn between the one90s and the kingpins right now. I really wanted the vector pros but i just dont think i'll be able to adjust to the grip palm. Well atleast I have a couple months to decide since I just bought some eagle x50s. :D

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A tighter girl or a looser girl eh?

Want me to help you with that decision?

On a more serious note, the LHS here can't seem to get their shipment in. Something about Warrior shipping things out based on percentages, which screws the small shops. :(

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If its the same green they use on the lacrosse gloves it will be exactly like this:


At my lhs they have them in green and they look exactly like that for the people looking for them in green.

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At my lhs they have them in green and they look exactly like that for the people looking for them in green.

Score! Im too good...


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Are these nylon or leather?

I can;t seem to figure it out by the picture

They're leather. Nice gloves....not nice enough to make me want to ditch my Eagle's though.

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Like Kovy said, I think they wouldn't be bad in nylon. I didn't like them too much just because of that. I think the way they look is pretty decent...though I do not like the color combinations.

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i did a search and found this topic, don't know if any one looks at it anymore...but i have a question. The 14" are to tight and the 15" are to big lol can you custom them in half sizes?

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I tried them on and they didn't feel like anything special. Maybe they've got more flexibility when they break in?

I'm always in favor of overpaying for an overhyped product and hoping it gets better once you get it home. :rolleyes:

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anyone else try them on to feel like any conventional glove?

they feel a bit like SPD/5000's but the palm is slightly tighter across the section between your thumb and pointer finger to the lower corner of your hand (basically the line the stick lies in). I like mine a lot.

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