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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Waste Time At Work

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I work full time in an office and I have my own private office with my 2 cousins and a friend and we just dick around on the computer all day. This site wastes a lot of time along with Wikipedia and Ive cleared YouTube for everything I deem interesting. I spend a lot of my time reading the news and on SI.com and ESPN.com but was wondering if anyone else has suggestions to waste time at work. Other good forums or sites which can pass time and no game sites please, Ive played all those too. Thanks.

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Meh, theres a lot of slow days here such as right now. Just waiting for my next job to come in.

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Yeah, I heard that fluery29's was better...

Sorry, I'll shut my mouth now. All hail MSH. *Gets on the ground and praises MSH*

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Install NHL06 on your computer.  :D

It would be all over then!

Or find NHL: Eastside Hockey Manager...that's an addicting game.

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That is one of the hardest puzzles ever.

How do u play it?

Oh, but that's part of the puzzle. You need to look for clues that are layed throughout the screen. Occasionally you need to use the google bar provided. Looking at the source code will also help.

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That is one of the hardest puzzles ever.

How do u play it?

Oh, but that's part of the puzzle. You need to look for clues that are layed throughout the screen. Occasionally you need to use the google bar provided. Looking at the source code will also help.


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