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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Did anyone catch this on SportsCenter? This kid Dillon, born premature and then developing Chrons (sp?) disease had one wish. His wish? To meet The Great One. Not only did he meet the Great One, he even played with him. It was a really cool segment. Any thoughts?

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i thought it was cool but crones isnt that bad of a disesea my cousin has it and david garrad who plays in the NFL has it, it isnt really life threatening like the others kids diseases were so w/e

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Well, it depends on the severity of it -- it won't take your life as in... kill you, but it will run your life -- Daryl Palumbo of Glassjaw/Head Automatica fame has it and he constantly has to cancel tours and dates because he has another attack and has to be hospitalized.

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Yea its not the worst but it is still pretty bad but I have loved the segments espn is doing really good for the kids with such terrible diseases

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it was ok, but it wasnt as good as the segment where a kid named montana met the notre dame head coach and got to pick a play, but ended up dieing. the coach still did theplay.

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i thought it was cool but crones isnt that bad of a disesea my cousin has it and david garrad who plays in the NFL has it, it isnt really life threatening like the others kids diseases were so w/e

i bet if you had it you would not say that. it seemed pretty bad.

it was a cool segment.

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ESPN has become to sports what MTV has done to music.

Case and point: Today ESPN showed the soap box derby. Thankfully they were able to schedule that around their contender specials.

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They've always shown the Soap Box Derby.

The reason why they show the Spelling Bee is because they have to show some educational show, some rule or something.

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They've always shown the Soap Box Derby.

Maybe you're right, but I tend to believe you might be wrong.

Seems like there is a lot of press about ESPN covering it, as if it hasn't been done in the past.

Anyway, here's something to wet your whistle on, let me know where you stand on some of these....


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I've seen it before. However, I believe it was in the early 90s, back when ESPN was thin on programming. It could very well be that they stopped televising it for a while, but I know I have seen it on tv.

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Get rid of the paintball, poker, billiards.......and bring back Pro Beach Hockey!

LOL. I remember pro beach hockey, that was a hell of a lot better than the world series of darts I saw on ESPN a few days agp.

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LOL. I remember pro beach hockey, that was a hell of a lot better than the world series of darts I saw on ESPN a few days agp.

Hell yeah. Ramps behind the net(s), VForms, and Samuel Adams sponsored.......roller hockey.

It's a shame it went bye bye.

Yo man, I wanted to rock a Tyson avatar...

Fine, you win. I was hoping Dolomite would make a comeback. Guess not :(

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