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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ONE90 stick?

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Okay -

ONE90 is a different stick than the XXX Lite. The taper is not as thin - think of it as a Vapor XX with a squarer feel, a textured shaft, and lighter (about the same weight as the SyNergy SL.

A few other things that NBH is doing - they are taking weights off of their sticks (good move), marking lies, and also marking the pattern and flex on the hosel (good move too, easier to identify patterns if the sticks have been cut)

It will be in stores in December.

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Okay -

ONE90 is a different stick than the XXX Lite. The taper is not as thin - think of it as a Vapor XX with a squarer feel, a textured shaft, and lighter (about the same weight as the SyNergy SL.

A few other things that NBH is doing - they are taking weights off of their sticks (good move), marking lies, and also marking the pattern and flex on the hosel (good move too, easier to identify patterns if the sticks have been cut)

It will be in stores in December.

and marking how much the flex would be if you cut it down a certain length

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Okay -

ONE90 is a different stick than the XXX Lite.  The taper is not as thin -  think of it as a Vapor XX with a squarer feel, a textured shaft, and lighter (about the same weight as the SyNergy SL. 

A few other things that NBH is doing - they are taking weights off of their sticks (good move), marking lies, and also marking the pattern and flex on the hosel (good move too, easier to identify patterns if the sticks have been cut)

It will be in stores in December.

and marking how much the flex would be if you cut it down a certain length

Yes, that will be on all of them now.

Now since we are talking about what stuff on sticks, Easton will have a sr 77 flex. Also - I received a full-length retail SL - no endplug. Showed it to the rep but he didn't know anything about it.

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Now since we are talking about what stuff on sticks, Easton will have a sr 77 flex.  Also - I received a full-length retail SL - no endplug.  Showed it to the rep but he didn't know anything about it.

Yes! :D Finally a stick for the weedy teenager! lol

Sounds like a NHB Flex number? :huh:

If they have the 77 will they still have the 80's?

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They use 85 flexs now, not an 80. Unless the UltraLite is still an 80 or something such as that, but I don't know.

And I'm pretty pleased about the introduction of a 75 flex. Still think I'm going Warrior this time around...

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It will be in stores in December.

First Line Dealers will have One90, One70, One50, and Vapor XXX Lite Woodies shipped on 11/1/06.

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now im excited for december.. haha. anyone know what the price range will be im guessing the 0ne90 will be up there in the around 300? and are they going to have one90 shafts or something like that?

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i had the one90 in my hands and it felt a built tankish. i like that they are finally putting what the stick flex is as you cut it down. the public in general know very little- a stick stiffens 3% for every inch you cut off. 75 flex sticks make alot a sense for the 5'10" and under crowd because after you cut an 85 down to fit it ....de de deeee... stiffens up. not all pros use 110 sticks like easton has TRAINED the public to think. in fact of the majority of the pro stock shafts i see it ranges from 85-105. alot of 85-95.

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i was at my lhs a few days ago and was looking at the sitcks, and they had the one90 stick there, i didnt focus too much attention to it as it wasn't my hand, but it had texture on it kinda like those new responses, i didnt focus on the weight. It was 249.99 cdn( same price as custom coloured xx's )(which they got in on that day), now the one90's might have been their demo's or w.e, or even prostock, i unno, but i did see them, i dont know how they got them if they dont come out till december.

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