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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sprung Hockey

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Anything else done to those would just look bad. its a nice clean looking skate with a nice clean looking chassis

good job!

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Hi Guys, hi Sprungster,

i am from germany and skating this time on a conversion RbK 9 k (7,5) with TriDi-Chassis and 80-76-76-72mm wheels. Now I am interested on the sprung chassis for conversion, but here in germany at my LHS nobody knows about Sprung?? Is there a dealer in germany for sprungs?

If not – which Chassis is the right for the RbK 9 k in 7,5 - would have the black ones, what is about spare parts (are there any parts with a lower durability on this chassis - which must buying directly with) ? How is the price for chassis and shipping to germany? Thanks for feedback.

Best regards from germany



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My 7k's, size 8D, with an A6 frame - the A6 feels like a good fit to me:

(Reposted pic from earlier in the thread)


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I've ordered a pair of Vector zg120's and am going to convert them to inline with sprung chassis. I'm torn on whether to go white or black with the chassis.. what color does everyone think will work best? Consider also that I'm adding custom white felt tongues with black fronts.


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I agree on the black frame orange wheels, with the white frame, it just looks too bright to me, but the orange wheels still look better.

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Hey elevation I like the skates but I do have a question. What kind of covers are on the toes of the boots? Looks interesting and kind of like a heat shrink type of rubber or something. Since I play outside and use ice boots converted to roller I always use the brush on protector on my toes but what you have looks better.


Rick Henry

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Thanks guys, I have to say I feel a little like an idiot that I didn't realize it was tape on the toes of those skates. After I read the reply I taped my own skates. They look better than I would have expected.

Thanks Again

Rick Henry

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So I made my presentation to the Famous Prosthetics and Rehab Hospital and scored a total hat trick- two PhD's and their PhD candidate. They think the Sprung foot will be different from everything out there and probably as good (or maybe better?) than the best company's stuff. But much, much less expensive. They're already looking into funding and, at my request, contacted their friend at the leading company, with whom they have several funded projects. He got back the same day to plan a meeting.

"Gee, I got a great idea!! That's swell, lets show it to the Doc and see what he thinks!! Doc says they love it and you'll be getting checks in the mail from now on!! Wow, and you only thought of it ten minutes ago!!" 1931 movie, I'm sure.

Anyway, there is going to be a Sprung foot made of the same stuff as the frames and it'll have suspension and articulation derived straight from the fames. And at the cost of sports equipment instead of fine jewelry. And, unlike fine jewelry, it will be wide open for the kind of dye jobs we are seeing on the frames. Go Fabian! I'm thinking of a nasty raptor skinned mechanical foot, that's sort of Terminator looking, in a flip-flop. Who would want to cover it with a rubber foot skin? People with two feet might start getting a little green and thinking, eh?

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So I made my presentation to the Famous Prosthetics and Rehab Hospital and scored a total hat trick- two PhD's and their PhD candidate. They think the Sprung foot will be different from everything out there and probably as good (or maybe better?) than the best company's stuff. But much, much less expensive. They're already looking into funding and, at my request, contacted their friend at the leading company, with whom they have several funded projects. He got back the same day to plan a meeting.

"Gee, I got a great idea!! That's swell, lets show it to the Doc and see what he thinks!! Doc says they love it and you'll be getting checks in the mail from now on!! Wow, and you only thought of it ten minutes ago!!" 1931 movie, I'm sure.

Anyway, there is going to be a Sprung foot made of the same stuff as the frames and it'll have suspension and articulation derived straight from the fames. And at the cost of sports equipment instead of fine jewelry. And, unlike fine jewelry, it will be wide open for the kind of dye jobs we are seeing on the frames. Go Fabian! I'm thinking of a nasty raptor skinned mechanical foot, that's sort of Terminator looking, in a flip-flop. Who would want to cover it with a rubber foot skin? People with two feet might start getting a little green and thinking, eh?

That is very cool, congrats Keith. Just curious, did you have prosthetics in mind when you designed your original skate frames, or did that idea come recently?

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So I made my presentation to the Famous Prosthetics and Rehab Hospital and scored a total hat trick- two PhD's and their PhD candidate. They think the Sprung foot will be different from everything out there and probably as good (or maybe better?) than the best company's stuff. But much, much less expensive. They're already looking into funding and, at my request, contacted their friend at the leading company, with whom they have several funded projects. He got back the same day to plan a meeting.

"Gee, I got a great idea!! That's swell, lets show it to the Doc and see what he thinks!! Doc says they love it and you'll be getting checks in the mail from now on!! Wow, and you only thought of it ten minutes ago!!" 1931 movie, I'm sure.

Anyway, there is going to be a Sprung foot made of the same stuff as the frames and it'll have suspension and articulation derived straight from the fames. And at the cost of sports equipment instead of fine jewelry. And, unlike fine jewelry, it will be wide open for the kind of dye jobs we are seeing on the frames. Go Fabian! I'm thinking of a nasty raptor skinned mechanical foot, that's sort of Terminator looking, in a flip-flop. Who would want to cover it with a rubber foot skin? People with two feet might start getting a little green and thinking, eh?

That is very cool, congrats Keith. Just curious, did you have prosthetics in mind when you designed your original skate frames, or did that idea come recently?

It came from the early frames, and my first sketches were done in 1998. They even have the Sprung logo. Now, I know a lot more about how it works and what materials do it good. And there 's our great track record, so the timing is much better. My site and MSH were both good homework for the Dr.'s and the principle is close enough to help sell the idea. One Dr. skated in the hallway while another watched the action of the frames. They asked a lot of tough questions that I could not have answered earlier.

The fact that it's so different from the norm is most likely because it's coming out of an entirely different industry and it's new there, too. They've had successful products that are based on proven machinery made from certain materials, while I've worked in accessible, retail materials with few design restraints. I've always seen it being like that super close up of Arnold's foot with all his meat burned off. Maybe even chrome later on! :)

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