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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Changing Skates

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Ok flashback to the begining of my last season I got a pair of Vector Pros I took care of them properly took out the insoles after every skate and dried them. But the skates only lasted me 3 months This had never happend to me. So I got a pair of RBK 9ks and loved them at first. Once again I took care of them just as i did to my Vectors. These also broke down prematurly. Now its painful for me to skate in and over an hour of the ice my feet are killing me and they are not stiff at all.

I am currently looking a new skates but am confused on what to get. I dont want another pair of CCM/RBKs. There is no graf or mission skates arround me either. This leaves me with Easton and Bauer. Im eager to try on the one90s but I just dont know if they are right for me, i cant put my foot into a vapor. Eastons ive tried on and I cant fit into any of there skates properly.

NOTE: I play Midgit AA

I am in deep need for skates and I dont want to go the custom route. Can anyone shed some light on this for me. I really dont know what to do. Any advice/comments would be deeply appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Why don't you try to contact THC customer service if the skates fit you right? I'm sure you can work things out.

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It sounds like you are rough on skates, if those models got soft on you it is likely just about any other skate would as well. Perhaps try one with a composite boot like Easton or Kor, they may hold stiffness better than a traditional skate.

If you are skating without socks, that can accellerate breakdown. Start wearing thin socks and also use a boot dryer. Simply removing foot beds does not do much, especially if you are playing 4-6 times a week. Sweat destroys equipment.

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There is a difference between broken in and broken down. Unless you weigh 250 pounds and are playing 5+ times a week I can't see those high end skates breaking down that quickly.

There has to be something else going on there.

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I have flexlite 12's right now and they are the best skates I have ever used. I've had them since late november 2005 and they are still as stiff as the day I got them. I play AAA+High school hockey which amounts to a ton of hockey each week. These are also the lightest skates I have used. Give them a chance if your LHS has them.

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There is a difference between broken in and broken down. Unless you weigh 250 pounds and are playing 5+ times a week I can't see those high end skates breaking down that quickly.

There has to be something else going on there.

I would have to agree. I've been skating in my 9k's for 3 months (a minimum of 2 times per week) and they are just like new.

I can't imagine getting 2 high end skates that were defects. There has to be more to it.

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I have the 5k's and have been using them for about 7 months and even they still feel as good as new so theres no way that the 9k should be breaking down already.

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For most people skates do not break down fast. There are so many variables. For example if you play 6 times a week, hard hockey and do not dry skates well, they can break down fast. In his case, something doesn't sound right, most likely not a defect rather abuse of some kind.

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It sounds like you are rough on skates, if those models got soft on you it is likely just about any other skate would as well. Perhaps try one with a composite boot like Easton or Kor, they may hold stiffness better than a traditional skate.

If you are skating without socks, that can accellerate breakdown. Start wearing thin socks and also use a boot dryer. Simply removing foot beds does not do much, especially if you are playing 4-6 times a week. Sweat destroys equipment.

I do wear thin socks and use a boot dryer. I was thinking that the Composite boot would do the trick, I really want to try kors but cant find them anywhere. Looks like im going to try easton. Dont get me wrong I love the CCM/RBK skates but, they just arnt lasting for me. Im kind of in a bind here.

For all one90 and 1500 users what do you like about the skate? It looks like these are my two options for skates now.

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you did not give us a whole lot to go on. give us all your stats. ht wt how many times a week etc etc. there has to be something you are doing different with these last two than what you have done in the past. Jimmy mentioned a good point about no socks and sweat. i love the feel of no socks, but not only does it rot your boot they start smelling real sweet in the locker room ( ie: rookie hazing/shaved ). i think all mfgs have had the odd bad run of skates, but something has got to give. mybe tryoto find a closeout on your last good CCM boot. just a thought. some things are hard to mess with ...SKATES are one of them.

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You might want to look into the Pro Tacks aswell. They are buildt like tanks. Yet so comfy...

2005 or 2004?

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another thing.. how are they "broken down"?



broken holder?

ripped somewhere?

softened up?

please elaborate.

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IM 6ft 180lbs. On the ice 5-7 times a week.

They are just plain soft all over. So soft that its uncomfortable for me to skate in. Holders are fine nothin is torn some of the stitching on the outside is ripping but i dont thaink that is it

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i'm the same size as you play around 3-4 times a week and skate last me 1years and a half. Maybe the extra 2 times you get on ice don't give them enought time to dry ,even if you do use a boot dryer...you are a very hard skater..

I'm not an expert but i think ccm boot are one of the most durable out there.

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You might want to look into the Pro Tacks aswell. They are buildt like tanks. Yet so comfy...

2005 or 2004?

2004. XX-stiff (blue).

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IM 6ft 180lbs. On the ice 5-7 times a week.

They are just plain soft all over. So soft that its uncomfortable for me to skate in. Holders are fine nothin is torn some of the stitching on the outside is ripping but i dont thaink that is it

The skates are to big for sure there is no way the skates would break down that fast. The guys in the AHL and OHL i have worked with take atleast a min of 3 months before the skates starts breaking down but not become broken as you described.

They must be to big. take out the insole and tell us how much room is on the outsole from where your toe is to the end.

Also what size shoes and skates are you wearing!

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