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sales reps?

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Tons of company workers and reps on here. The ones that want you to know who they are, thats a different story.

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its pretty cool

but its like the manufactuors are spying on us to find out what to make next

What's you're point?

Its a win-win situation.

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its pretty cool

but its like the manufactuors are spying on us to find out what to make next

Are you actually that dumb or are you just screwing with us?

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its pretty cool

but its like the manufactuors are spying on us to find out what to make next

I wouldn't look at it as "spying". It's probably more like listening carefully. MSH is an absolutely fabulous way for manufacturers to get to know and understand their customers better by learning what they need and want.

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its pretty cool

but its like the manufactuors are spying on us to find out what to make next

I wouldn't look at it as "spying". It's probably more like listening carefully. MSH is an absolutely fabulous way for manufacturers to get to know and understand their customers better by learning what they need and want.

Actually, I hope manufacturers go beyond lurking on boards to understand their customers. From what I've seen, the typical board member is a "gear whore" and not your average hockey player. There is a huge difference between the gear aficionado and the normal hockey player. Not that gear whores are bad (I'm one myself), but the typical hockey player could care less if something is 5 grams lighter. They seem to focus on durability and value, rather than disecting the intracies of a piece of equipment. I'm a member of a well known goalie board and just about every member has custom equipment with more modifications than Cher. :D Stock equipment is not their thing.

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its pretty cool

but its like the manufactuors are spying on us to find out what to make next

I wouldn't look at it as "spying". It's probably more like listening carefully. MSH is an absolutely fabulous way for manufacturers to get to know and understand their customers better by learning what they need and want.

Actually, I hope manufacturers go beyond lurking on boards to understand their customers. From what I've seen, the typical board member is a "gear whore" and not your average hockey player. There is a huge difference between the gear aficionado and the normal hockey player. Not that gear whores are bad (I'm one myself), but the typical hockey player could care less if something is 5 grams lighter. They seem to focus on durability and value, rather than disecting the intracies of a piece of equipment. I'm a member of a well known goalie board and just about every member has custom equipment with more modifications than Cher. :D Stock equipment is not their thing.

You can't market durability (see Bauer Endure) and there's no money in marketing value.

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Id like to know who works for which companies so if i have a question i would know who to ask cuz im fairly new on this forum and i dont know who to ask.

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Id like to know who works for which companies so if i have a question i would know who to ask cuz im fairly new on this forum and i dont know who to ask.

I doubt they'd outright give their names because then they'd be flooded day in and day out with PMs and Emails. Your best bet is to use the search function, or if you don't find anything there make a REASONABLE topic about it, and there are other guys besides reps that im sure can answer your question. Like JR and Chadd for instance.

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The whole point is you not knowing who they are. They want unbiased opnions not someone sucking up and not bad mouthing them etc. The only major company Rep i know of who is upfront in Justin and he's with mission, really nice guy and listens to the board well which is great indication of why mission is such a highly regarded customer service company.

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Like Chadd said, there is at least one employee from every mfgr on here.

Some participate, some lurk, and some use me as a liaison.

alot of them say it under there avater such as " director of MIA" stufff like that..

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Like Chadd said, there is at least one employee from every mfgr on here. 

Some participate, some lurk, and some use me as a liaison.

alot of them say it under there avater such as " director of MIA" stufff like that..

Like 1-2 do. Not alot.

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the whole reason i started this topic was just to see if i could get in touch with a rep, just to get some information. im very interested in working for a hockey company in the future. i work in retail now, and i was lukcy enough to be sent to a hockey expert camp where i met tons of reps from easton bauer ccm rbk mission.. and i never got the chance to talk to them about it.

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The grass is not greener on the other side. Good luck getting to the other side. I'm not trying to smack you around. When I first started in this business(on the retail side), I thought the same as you about the world of reps. In a few years I saw how tough they have it and how easily they lose their jobs. Since then the industry has actually shrunk for vendors and there is less demand for true reps. They are vendor guys now and still face a demanding job with less room for error. Most reps will tell you not to get into the business! And they are not protecting their butts. They are doing you a favor with that advice.

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Good luck...even if you're damned good it is a long shot.

Understand that most sales reps are independent - they do not work for the company.

Is it just as difficult to get a job with a company in either designing or marketing equipment? For most average people is a career in the hockey equipment industry that much of a longshot?

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Even though my view on hockey may have to change to reflect the fact that it is a business, if there is any way to make a living involving my greatest passion in life I’d like to pursue it.

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Good luck...even if you're damned good it is a long shot.

Understand that most sales reps are independent - they do not work for the company.

Is it just as difficult to get a job with a company in either designing or marketing equipment? For most average people is a career in the hockey equipment industry that much of a longshot?

When it's all said and done, I'll write a book. One can only hope that there's a happy ending.

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