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Miami Vice

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Wow this movie sucked more than 17 vaccumns sucking at once. THe filming was crap, there WAS NO PLOT, and the action scenes had no action. THey extended the movie needlessly by adding in "explicit" scenes. Wow this sucked.

Basically, I wasted 11 bucks on this trash. Just letting you guys know so you don't.

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Wow this movie sucked more than 17 vaccumns sucking at once. THe filming was crap, there WAS NO PLOT, and the action scenes had no action. THey extended the movie needlessly by adding in "explicit" scenes. Wow this sucked.

Basically, I wasted 11 bucks on this trash. Just letting you guys know so you don't.

hmmmm... yeah there was.

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I admit I am bias because I am a huge fan of the TV show, but I think this would make me an even bigger skeptic. The movie may have been confusing becuase of all the names and all the inside lingo and such, but there was a solid storyline. The movie was very similar to the tv show, which was a plus to me. There were some amazing shots in the movie, Mann did a great job in that respect. The television show wasnt anything like a Jerry Bruckheimer flick, with large explosions and stupid voilence. The movie wasnt suppose to be a smash and grab in your face movie.

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The movie wasnt suppose to be a smash and grab in your face movie.

ha I gotta agree with that..if I wanted to watch somethign like that, I'd go watch SWAT or something.

What I'm sayin is that I guess for the casual viewer who's never seen the series before, it can be a [major] letdown, especially since, as you noted, that there is a lot of inside lingo.

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The movie was very similar to the tv show, which was a plus to me.

Really? Everything I heard implied it was nothing like the TV show.

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Mann produced the Television and directed the movie, so from a cinemetography standpoint, it is not. But some of the things they did in the tv show, the way the criminals interacted and the attitude was all the same. The ending is a perfect example. Crockett gets out of his car and just walks into the hospital, and its over. It didnt leave you hanging, but its those kind of little things that were very similar.

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I liked it. I liked how there were never any credits from start to finish. It just got down to business. Wasn't the best movie, but definitely entertaining. Seemed like Collateral II.

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I liked it...thought it was pretty good...LONG but good. And for whoever said the filming was horrible...have you ever seen any other Mann production?


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Haven't seen it yet, but I am/was a huge fan of the show. Just old enough to have been a fan when it was originally one, rather than just a fan of the re-runs.

I wish the movie had been set in the same time period as the show. That would have made it more interesting. "Miami Vice" was about fighting the drug war...while it still may be going on, it isn't a headline grabber like it was in the early 80's.

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