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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pics Of Homes

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Well heres mine nothing special especially compared to the homes in the states....





Well there you go Enjoy B)

I haven't seen a tread like this so I thought I'd make one

Sorry so the shooty photgrahy had to do it on a cheap camera

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Nice place, were moving to a bigger house later this month so I'll get pics up when we get settled. Thockey, you gotta post pics of that theater room again, that place was amazing.

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Nice place, were moving to a bigger house later this month so I'll get pics up when we get settled. Thockey, you gotta post pics of that theater room again, that place was amazing.

Yah thanks man...

We went down to Florida and wow some huge mansions up there...

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Nice place, were moving to a bigger house later this month so I'll get pics up when we get settled. Thockey, you gotta post pics of that theater room again, that place was amazing.

Thockey post pics up of the room,

I'll get some pics up of mine...

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Thockey, you gotta post pics of that theater room again, that place was amazing.

Its getting re-done. Onto bigger and better things we go.

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If you have that much money, why were you padding your post count so that you can sell your gear because your hip broke?

We are trying to pay for my sons hockey equitment for this year so I would like to post in the sell section, to try and sell some of his old equitment

Its all BS.

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Do us a favor..

Take a piece of paper and place it on that kitchen counter.. write your name on it and take a picture of it... post it here.

Is it just me or has there been a pile of bs building up in this forum as of late?

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No their definately is alot of BS building up. Its not just you...

Oh and I like the idea of writing his name on the paper. Right as i saw the pictures i knew it was bs

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I second that.

I flip real estate as a side hobby and it is difficult to take a picture like that (perspective) of a room without a wide angle lens.

He mentioned using a "cheap camera"...those don't have wide angle lenses.

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Upon further inspection, that crib is stacked to the max. No expense spared, atleast in the kitchen.

Nice $10,000 Viking range/stove, roosting. I've got the same one. ;)


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I thought about going Viking in my kitchen but I've heard they're just getting cheap with the steel.

We havent had any problems with the Vike, except for the exhaust fan. It was installed wrong, so we were covered under the installers warranty.

I did hear from a couple of my moms friends that are huge cooks that the new stuff isnt as good as a couple years ago. Not sure what model(s) they have/had.

Wolf seems to be getting pretty popular aswell. I havent seen one, though.

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I thought about going Viking in my kitchen but I've heard they're just getting cheap with the steel.

We havent had any problems with the Vike, except for the exhaust fan. It was installed wrong, so we were covered under the installers warranty.

I did hear from a couple of my moms friends that are huge cooks that the new stuff isnt as good as a couple years ago. Not sure what model(s) they have/had.

Wolf seems to be getting pretty popular aswell. I havent seen one, though.

Yeah, my mother has a model that's a couple years old and hasn't had problems but the new ones seem to be the ones with problems. Warping is the one problem and I've seen that with other stainless steel models from different companies.

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Now this is actually my house, unlike roostingmx...




Picture of my dad working on the pond we built. It's fully landscaped now, it's gorgeous. Pond is bigger than a jacuzzi, it's crazy

Steps and trim have been painted since that picture, they're the same color as the house now. When we moved in to the house in November, man, it was a dump. But our family has made a complete 180 turn on it.



After the pond was done.

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Yes, we do. We had some very very big ones, but while we were transferring them from the other house, something came into the pond we were keeping them at and ate them. My dad was PISSED. But these are getting to be a decent size now. We probanly have close to 30-40 fish in there.

And TiCats, nope. We built it as a pond. We built it from scratch, it was all grass before the pond was there. I don't think my dad knew how big it actually was going to be, because if you didn't know any better, you definitely could have used it as a Jacuzzi.

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I have a few pics of my backyard, as it was just recently redone by me and my dad. We did have a pool, but sold it, then it was all ruggedy looking so we put sawd down. Here is a few pics i took as i was laying the sawd.



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here are some pics, house is pretty simple, we just redid the grass in the front and back


front yard

and yes that is a mini-chopper, made it in auto last semester

its pretty cool to find out that other people have ponds in reference to EBondo, and there are fish in there, mostly Koi



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