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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sole ripping from boot

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i have 9k's and have skated for probably 200 hours on them, and they are fine other than being extremely broken in. Before this, i had a pair of 9ks that were fine, and before that, vector pros (same type of boot) that had no issues with the sole either. I'm thinking this issue is localized to you (sorry!)

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Idk i have a broken camera, I'll check with my neighbor sometime to see if i can get some pics. For a visual picture its on my left skate a little bit before the toebox is and goes around maybe an inch? (I'm not looking at the skates right now). You can also clearly see it move when you move it. (hope that made sense)

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Idk i have a broken camera, I'll check with my neighbor sometime to see if i can get some pics. For a visual picture its on my left skate a little bit before the toebox is and goes around maybe an inch? (I'm not looking at the skates right now). You can also clearly see it move when you move it. (hope that made sense)

Contact CCM directly they plan on standing behind there products on a case by case basis and will have a good will warranty for something like this as long as you didnt get them over a year ago and or have trashed the skate.

Best thing call them directly!

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Have you blocked any hard shots in that area? That sometimes can lead to premature-seperation. And I agree with oldtrainerguy, call the manufacturer and see what they can do. Your LHS where you bought the skates can help with the communication.

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The Sole as in the Cushiony part?? Cause if thats so this always happens to me. After every time I skate on every brand of skate. Maybe its because I go barefoot my foot doesnt slide out as easy as a sock would. But thats common.

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The Sole as in the Cushiony part?? Cause if thats so this always happens to me. After every time I skate on every brand of skate. Maybe its because I go barefoot my foot doesnt slide out as easy as a sock would. But thats common.

he means the outsole - the bottom part on the outside of the skate that the holder attaches to. I think you're talking about the liner.

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Even if the warranty is expired I would give a try going back to where you bought them or try calling RBK/CCM customer service. THis isn't a normal problem.

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Even if the warranty is expired I would give a try going back to where you bought them or try calling RBK/CCM customer service. THis isn't a normal problem.

Well it is if you have taken a puck or hit the boards hard.

But yes contact the LHS where they were bought and get them to call for you. If they wont call them directly and ask them what store they would like you to send them back through.

Make sure you have a reciept.

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Thanks for all the help. I possibly could have blocked some hard shots because i play d. It was weird just yesterday i picked them up and saw this and didnt notice it before. I think im SOL though because I had different holders put on and I bet CCM/Rbk wouldnt give me a new pair. What do you guys think (otg and jimmy)?

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I kind of figured that. It bugs me a little though because I know that the outsole coming off wasent from the holders because i had the stock ones put back on almost a month ago.

Doesnt matter. The boot will be looked after no matter waht holders are on there. How old are the skates??? are they more than 6 months? Do you have a reciept? If you have one and its less than 6 months CCM will take care of you. Well atleast thats waht we were told by the guy that does the repairs.

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I kind of figured that. It bugs me a little though because I know that the outsole coming off wasent from the holders because i had the stock ones put back on almost a month ago.

Doesnt matter. The boot will be looked after no matter waht holders are on there. How old are the skates??? are they more than 6 months? Do you have a reciept? If you have one and its less than 6 months CCM will take care of you. Well atleast thats waht we were told by the guy that does the repairs.

Really? The skates are probably around the three and a half month mark and I am pretty sure I do have the reciept. What would i have to do call CCM/Rbk direct or contact my LHS first?

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technically if rbk/ccm see different holes in the sole of the skate they could say you voided the warranty by putting a different holder on them even if u put stock ones back on afterwards

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My Vector Pros' outsoles delaminated, but in the mid-foot areas. A team-mate of mine had the outsole delaminate from the toe caps of his Externos.

I used epoxy to repair mine the first 3 times, clamping well, and each repair would last about a month. The last 2 times I used polyurethane glue (e.g. Gorilla Glue), and it lasted 2-3 months. I don't know if it was the glue or my improved technique and prep that made a difference.

If CCM/Rbk won't fix or replace them, and you decide to fix it yourself, it isn't that difficult a repair, especially if it is in the toe cap area. You must clamp it properly, though.

I think Logan said that this was a known CCM problem from 2004 models...

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technically if rbk/ccm see different holes in the sole of the skate they could say you voided the warranty by putting a different holder on them even if u put stock ones back on afterwards

Depends on where its seperating.............if the holder transfer can be seen as the cause then Sean is right but if it is in an area that the transfer had nothing to do with it then they should repair it at no cost or charge a minimal fee. And to be honest even if they charged you like $25 to fix it the guy that does the repairs is awesome.

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technically if rbk/ccm see different holes in the sole of the skate they could say you voided the warranty by putting a different holder on them even if u put stock ones back on afterwards

Depends on where its seperating.............if the holder transfer can be seen as the cause then Sean is right but if it is in an area that the transfer had nothing to do with it then they should repair it at no cost or charge a minimal fee. And to be honest even if they charged you like $25 to fix it the guy that does the repairs is awesome.

thats true,yeah im sure hes better than the guys at bauer

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technically if rbk/ccm see different holes in the sole of the skate they could say you voided the warranty by putting a different holder on them even if u put stock ones back on afterwards

Depends on where its seperating.............if the holder transfer can be seen as the cause then Sean is right but if it is in an area that the transfer had nothing to do with it then they should repair it at no cost or charge a minimal fee. And to be honest even if they charged you like $25 to fix it the guy that does the repairs is awesome.

thats true,yeah im sure hes better than the guys at bauer

Well dont know about that but he is really good.

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