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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Gas Prices

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With the the Union shutting down the Alaskan pipeline for repairs it will be out for 6-12 months, I am just wondering what the gas prices around nation are like. So post your town state and gas price of ur town. Here the gas will shoot up to 5 dollers within 10 days!



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Its $2.90 here in Eugene. I guess some major pipeline up in AK is being closed down for a couple months, so that'll jack up the prices around here.

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$1.20 in NB, but we jump the border and go to Maine and get it at about $0.90. Save about $30 filling up the truck by goin' over across.

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$1.20 in NB, but we jump the border and go to Maine and get it at about $0.90. Save about $30 filling up the truck by goin' over across.

Calais or Milltown?? Or are you further north??

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$1.20 in NB, but we jump the border and go to Maine and get it at about $0.90. Save about $30 filling up the truck by goin' over across.

Calais or Milltown?? Or are you further north??

I'm further north, Grand Falls, near Edmundston. I don't even know the town that we go to, Hamlin, you can tell their regulations there arent' the same as ours, cause their gas stations a dump.

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$1.20 in NB, but we jump the border and go to Maine and get it at about $0.90. Save about $30 filling up the truck by goin' over across.

Calais or Milltown?? Or are you further north??

I'm further north, Grand Falls, near Edmundston. I don't even know the town that we go to, Hamlin, you can tell their regulations there arent' the same as ours, cause their gas stations a dump.

Ahh, OK above Caribou. Kinda across the border from the old Air Force base.

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