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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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i read that somewhere that windows are making a new software named vista.... i read long time ago (2004-2005)that windows were going to make a new software named langhorn (sp?) that comes out in the year 2005 or 2006. but that never happened so what's going on? :unsure:

I did a search for this but found nothing

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Err.. I'm not an expert on the matter, but in oter computer threads people have said it's not very good. A slightly updated version of XP which needs a quiet high end computer to run smoothly.

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does anyone have the windows vista beta 2 version? i was thinking of downloading it from this website but i'm not sure what to do. would you recomend downloading this and could i do it without messing up my xp or losing anything?

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does anyone have the windows vista beta 2 version? i was thinking of downloading it from this website but i'm not sure what to do. would you recomend downloading this and could i do it without messing up my xp or losing anything?

you can no longer download it. You can download it, but they will not validate any more keys. I would not download beta software unless you are an expert user. Vista is the next version of Windows from Microsoft. It has been pretty buggy so far, but it is a beta, and still has many stages before it is master gold. They have had MANY problems with the operating system. Out of the 10 major feautures they were going to put in vista, 7 of them have already been ixnayed. Longhorn was the codename for Windows Vista.

Trivia: What was the codename for Windows XP

(DONT google it and post it like your all smart and cool)

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Wasnt whistler supposed to be the new version of windows NT server that never went anywhere? My dad has the MSDN subscription so I used to always see that stuff...oh well.


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