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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What are prices of One90s at online stores?

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Isn't it only after 21:00 or something like that?

Oh, and I have like 1400 anytime minutes, so I'm not too concerned with that... haha.

Second Edit: This is a shared plan, my mother and I. She uses the talking, I text message (I had a bill for $30 in just text messages last month! ouch! Time to switch to the 10/month for a lot more plan... ;))

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I love how my topic gets turned into a topic on cell phone plans. Wasn't really in the mood to call and I thought most stores close at 5 eastern time.

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I can't find my size locally, but I can't get an on line store to ship to me! I've tried hockeygeeks.com, e-puck, cyclonetaylor.com, hockeygiant.com, and a few other smaller on line stores. They all have my skate, but they won't ship to me!!!! Can some one...anyone....out there help me get a pair of one 90 in size 9.5D?

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He lives in Canada and he is not a serios buyer.

Maybe just a kid in a dreamworld who wants to by expensive skates but can't afford it.

I presented him a one90 skate in 9,5 D used for 5 practice times and baked once.

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If you email them they ususally respond within a few hours (during the day)

I emailed them a couple of months ago and they were around $600

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i dont know the junior pricing. i will be their tomorow so i will check on junior prices. their at tamoshanter proshop. the manger is still waiting for the skates to come in. they should be there by the end of the month. i have already put in my size. i wish he was going to take some more off for preordering but hes not. the price for the 1st couple of pairs will be around $425. i get a 10% discount because im a regular tho.

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$425 for One90s? Wow! That is cheap.....almost to cheap....cheaper than cost I believe. I have spoken to LHS in San Diego, Alabama, New York, and Michigan. They told me that they pay quite a bit for their One90 stock. Most LHS do not make $200 a skate for a high end boot if they sell at MSRP, which is $599 US for the boot.

Most of the online businesses sell the greatest volume, and the cheapest I have heard so far was $569 at 1800Faceoff.com.

That number seems very low....low enough to call and find out! :)

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anyone who is selling that skate for more than a couple dollars off retail at this point in the season and through the holiday is an idiot...$425 is just watching $ go out the window and not covering your a$$ on another piece of gear that doesn't move...

this kids is why LHS's go out of business or can't get stock in because they have done nothing to further their open to buy

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hold on there bud. did you not read my message. i said the 1st couple of pairs are going to be around 425. they want to start moving them off the shelves after they get a couple sold the price will go up. tamoshanter has one of the biggest and best proshops in ohio. all prices for these skates will go up no matter whos selling them. 425 is only a starting price.

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I wasn't really looking for skates but the PIAS here was having a big sale with 70% off some skates. I have to go custom for the size so I was expecting the worst when I was putting down a payment for them. The lady rang up the discount on them, presumably on accident, but I fully expect them to realise the error and hit me up for the balance when they come in. Oh well, daddy's got new shoes for this fall.

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yes I read your msg...twice even to make sure I did so correctly..selling any One90 for $425 is just idiotic its not as if you need to seed the market with the skate...not like you have to undercut the big boys...you don't give your buddies the hookup when the first skates come out..even if he did that 6 times he's lost close to $1k in profit alone...that's an extra 20 OPS's he has to sell, etc..1000 rolls of tape...its idiotic..

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i agree for the most part. he is selling them very cheap and he probably will not make much from the skates but i do not know hes reasoning for that price. i know when the nbh rep was in the shop he was telling me that they want to sell at that price and he seemed to be braging about that price. i'm not the manager so i dont know why he selling them that cheap.

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