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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Helmet Displays

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I have recently been looking at purchasing a new helmet and I am surprised how hard it is to get help with helmets during this busy time at store (albeit most shoppers on weekends are looking at skates which require a good portion of time to be fitted etc.) but I found it tough to access the proper fitting helmet becuase the helmets are stacked on the upper walls and in nooks and crannys of the store. I hope I got the right helmet (Bauer 5000) and the right fit.

Anyone else face these same challenges? Are you scared that this is an influence getting the wrong helmet (size/fit/model)?

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Helmets are tough to display yes, plus people F with them, break them, steal snaps. Still, we always take the time to fit them correctly.

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The two most important pieces of equipment that must be properly fitted are skates and helmet, especially with a cage. Sometimes fitting a helmet properly is more important than skates. The reasons are obvious.

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my LHS has most(if not all) of their helmets within reach. I was thinking of buying an intake but after trying one on I decided to stick with my 652. And I didn't even have to bother the LHS workers.

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In my store, I've set up my displays so that helmets are accessible to everyone but I still take my time in fitting people up correctly and installing any facial protection correctly. Make sure you get the right fit and have all the clips installed properly at the right heights. It's not very difficult to fit a helmet if you know what you're doing, but I've seen botched jobs before, so get someone who's done it before if you don't know.

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My melon must be the same shape and size as the ergonomic model used to design helmets. I can't remember ever having a helmet "fit" issue. Although it is an important piece of equipment, I don't think I have ever shopped around for one. Just picked one out and went with it. Gloves and skates on the other hand...

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