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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Sher-wood OPS?

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At Pure Hockey they had a rack of new sher-wood OPS. I dont remember the name but I think it was something like RM19. Anyways it was as light or lighter than the stealth. I would of bought one except for the $220 USD price Tag.

Does anyone have more info on it?

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IMO sher-wood composite sticks suck. They make probably the best wood stick but their composites feel like crap. But that's just my opinion.

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IMO sher-wood composite sticks suck. They make probably the best wood stick but their composites feel like crap. But that's just my opinion.

Yeah, I agree.

But Why would S. Crosby use Sherwood COMPOSITE stick?

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IMO sher-wood composite sticks suck. They make probably the best wood stick but their composites feel like crap. But that's just my opinion.

Yeah, I agree.

But Why would S. Crosby use Sherwood COMPOSITE stick?

He doesn't. He uses shaft/blade combo.

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IMO sher-wood composite sticks suck. They make probably the best wood stick but their composites feel like crap. But that's just my opinion.

Yeah, I agree.

But Why would S. Crosby use Sherwood COMPOSITE stick?

Other then getting paid a ton of cash to use them. It's not like a stick is going to make all much of a difference to someone of his skill and talent level. Besides, I am willing to bet the stick he uses isn't something he bought off the rack at a shop.

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Never tried a montreal but I do hear they make amazing products. Something about the kind of Finnish wood they use.

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Its the Sher Wood RM19, this stick is by far superior than anything sherwood has put out in the past. Pretty steep on the price, but might give the stealth some good competition.

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I was reply to jjalb29's comment on how it would compete with the Stealth, i agree Easton has a big rep and people sometimes buy the name without thinking of it, and it would have to be pretty good for people to make the switch IMO

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If the price wasn't so expensive I would have bought it. I honestly think it was one of the best feeling/balanced sticks I have ever seen/felt. They were also extremely tall , so it would be good for bigger guys.

The stick was mainly white, dont remember the other main color(Gold/Green?).Didnt really pay much attention to the colors.

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I've always been a big Sher-Wood stick fan primarily since I'm stuck on the Coffey pattern and never quite felt right with anything else. I haven't gotten my hands on this stick yet but I can tell you their new Momentum XD composite blades are fantastic. Its the first time they've gotten carbon fiber blades right and I've pretty much tried everything they've put on the market (including those second generation Axion's that were actually pretty good).

The XD blades have a nice feel while handling and a lively puck release without coming anywhere near tourquing. If this is the blade design incoporated into the RM19 I can see why there is some buzz... Looks like Sher-Wood may have finally gotten the OPS right.

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Sherwood has made some nice improvements in their ops line. They certainly could use a second look by those who have written them off.

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I've always been a big Sher-Wood stick fan primarily since I'm stuck on the Coffey pattern and never quite felt right with anything else. I haven't gotten my hands on this stick yet but I can tell you their new Momentum XD composite blades are fantastic. Its the first time they've gotten carbon fiber blades right and I've pretty much tried everything they've put on the market (including those second generation Axion's that were actually pretty good).

The XD blades have a nice feel while handling and a lively puck release without coming anywhere near tourquing. If this is the blade design incoporated into the RM19 I can see why there is some buzz... Looks like Sher-Wood may have finally gotten the OPS right.

Looked like the same blade to me.

The stick felt twice as good as a Response XN10, which says something seeing as I have used about 8 XN10 OPS so far.

If you got the cash go for this stick, I havent used it but it felt like it was worth the money to me.

I wonder if Pure Hockey is the only store to have these yet, though?

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1)I think the Momentum was awsome(actually i used the franklin air-core for 2 years untils i couldn't find any of my stock flex/pattern) but then SW just copied the Franklin idea.Without the nice sandpaper grip thought :( ..

2)I really think there Momentum Comp XTRA durable(sp?) with grip is an awsome shaft, there is 2 version one with grip and without but they have different name.that why i'M not sure.

3) The Force shaft(blue/silver) was also very very nice, 290gr,sandpaper grip, wheelbarrow handle(if im not mistaken).

4)As for their blades, well the idea of hybrid/wood core is a good shock absorbing, beside the HEAVY weight of them, which make any shaft blade heavy, they were good!

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Just to add some insight, these new sticks are really comparable to the XXX Lite, just a tad heavier which I like. My college team brought in Easton and Louisville and the guys on the team liked the Sherwood's more. Although the rep seemed to think the customizable colors were the coolest thing about the stick, it has a really good feel and its lasted me 3 weeks so far without a major break or crack and I'm on the ice 15 hours a week. Anyway while the stick is somewhat expensive, Sherwood actually did put out a good product. Also I think the Vapor Lite is almost too feathery and this has more of a durable feeling. Anyways, just saw the topic and thought I'd throw my 2 cents in.

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