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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey Shops

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Moving back Dallas, and was wanting a full review of the best places to buy hockey equipment in dallas.

Who has the most stuff?

Who has the best stuff?

Who has the best prices?

Who has the best customer service/worst customer service(why)?

Who should I talk to/not talk to(why)?

Who has the best sharpening/person to do it?

Sorry for all the questions, but I have had bad experiences in the past and want to start off right. I'd like to purchase from a store, cause my friend used to own a shop, and I remember how sucky it was for him to lose business to online-only stores, nothing personal, just want to support the local shop of choice. So who is it. lol.


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there's a pretty good thread on this in the archives.but since DFW is only 3 letters..it will be tough to find..

overall selection - peranis, especially since they expanded..but a lot of old and discontinued stuff mixed in with SMU

prices - vary..Hockey Shop is good as is Perani's..there sidewalk sale is the best..I got 2 pairs of Pro Tacks for $50 each last year

sharpening- Mike Blake @ PB Grapevine, Van @ Hockey Shop and Jody@Peranis, Angel @ Star Stuff FB (but I won't let anyone else touch my skates there)

staff- Mike @ PB Grapevine, Van @ HockeyShop

I probably go to Grapevine/HockeyShop the most...and avoid PB Richardson/Colleyville unless I really need something (ie. hit Colleyville and if they don't have it Perani's is 10 min away)

I have not spent any real time at PowerPlay Hockey Shop, but if you are looking for pro stock sticks it usually has the best options..

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My veto for the Peranis there is a piece of crap that works there and always sells stuff on eBay. Couldn't state his eBay name as he's changed it so many times. I won an item a month or so ago, went to pay and his name came up and I just never bothered with the deal.

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  mack said:
My veto for the Peranis there is a piece of crap that works there and always sells stuff on eBay. Couldn't state his eBay name as he's changed it so many times. I won an item a month or so ago, went to pay and his name came up and I just never bothered with the deal.
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Wasn't it Kobayashi or Tamagotchi or smething like that?

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Yeah, it was something like Korbyashi and he's gone onto other names because of his horrible track record. My favourite was a "new, unused Arnott Synergy" that came cut and other obvious evidence of usage. Total twat to deal with, plus he lives at home with his mama.

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  Ogie Oglethorpe said:
Smitty at the Ice Center in Richardson does a great job sharpening skates.
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Yeah, i dont think there is anyone i wouldn't trust at ITC to sharpen my skates. I get them sharpened there at least once a week during the season.

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  mack said:
My veto for the Peranis there is a piece of crap that works there and always sells stuff on eBay. Couldn't state his eBay name as he's changed it so many times. I won an item a month or so ago, went to pay and his name came up and I just never bothered with the deal.
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Are you talking about Corby? They finally fired him and things are much better at that store because of it. I think he was working for as an equipment manager for a CHL team, but they let him go because he was buying gear for himself with the team's money. Anyway he's gone now.

Back on topic. Perani's has the best selection and pretty good customer service(depends on the employee). The Hockey Shop is also good, and the have the SRS system.

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I think I'm gonna be closer to to frisco/plano, what is the story with the Richardson PB (players Bench I assume) & Colleyville,(though I don't think that's close so not an issue). Jim A?

Also, anyone have any experience with Farmers branch or Power play?

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The Richardson PB has gone way downhill recently. Their stock is poor, and they didn't receive a whole lot this year either from what I hear. The service there is very hit or miss too.

I pretty much only shop at PPHS anymore. It's really conveient if you're in Plano. The selection can be thin just because it's a really small store and there's not a lot of room, but they carry a lot of high-end gear. They're one of the few stores to have a decent selection of Tackla pants. There's a top skate from every major company, including Mission (no Kor or Graf though). They'll occasionally get Stars Easton pro stock sticks. Most of the employees do a very good job, but there are a couple I don't really trust. Sharpenings can be great or terrible depending on who does them, but when you get a good one there, it's as good as I've gotten (except from Dave at ITC, him being the Stars equipment manager for many years and all).

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I'm not a big fan of Richardson because it seems that when I've shopped there in the past its always some guy telling me he's going to be playing for the Brahmas etc..then I see him playing B League in plano...along with the aforementioned hollow fiasco, use of a dupliskate machine..Colleyville, I spent about 40 min in there last time looking for gear (elbow pads, helmet, OPS) and was not spoken to 1x...the guy was just there flexing sticks and talking on the phone..

salespeople at Perani's are a joke, I've walked out of there with friends in the middle of them getting sized up for full runs of gear..because it was obvious they didn't give 2 sh*ts about them..

seriously..I don't expect a lot in return..just some attention and recognition that I'm a living breathing organism...I know what a pain it is to work retail in the industry..but at the same time know that 80% of the people in it..do it a disservice..

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  Jim A said:
Angel @ Star Stuff FB (but I won't let anyone else touch my skates there)

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Ask her to put it on the level next time. 75% of the time its off, and even once I heard her ask a customer "oh, did you want them level?". She'll get it right eventually, but stay on her until its level on the level. Trust me, I work there, I taught her how to sharpen.


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  Jim A said:

salespeople at Perani's are a joke, I've walked out of there with friends in the middle of them getting sized up for full runs of gear..because it was obvious they didn't give 2 sh*ts about them..

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You walked out while they were sizing you up? I'm sure that does a lot to encourage customer service :angry:

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I brought someone there who needed gear top to bottom..were willing to spend a good amount of money for the right gear..

-skate sizing - never happened..just asked their shoe size..pulled 1-2 off to try and then recommended one..no questions, give and take..nada

put someone that was 175 lbs in a pair of s/m shoulder pads, saying they would "break-in"

this kept repeating itself..person would ask questions..get no answers..so we went in thinking we'd spend $700 or so on some gear and left soon after telling them we'd think about it...I'm very quiet during the whole thing, been on both sides..but there's a reason people in this area mail order (TX is a good place for the mail order shops)

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