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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Get a montreal nitro.  We just got them in at my LHS.  They're unbelievable.

Might put a dent in your 'budget' though.

The new ones with the CNT?

Ya i'm a big fan of the nitro force.

I like the fact that out of stock they're cut much longer too.

Plus, from what i've been told by a shooting coach, they only flex in one dimension, so they allow for more control on your shot. whereas a regular ops flexes forward as well as, 'downward'

They also offer 60days warrenty instead of your standard 30 day.

And from what I hear they're practically indestructible. (i wouldnt take that to the bank though).

Still, love the feel and the weight is great too. They've done a great job.

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just realized that the warrior AK27 doesnt come in int flex :( lookin at a couple of shafts:


tps red lite xn10

mission ion

do any of them have any torquing issues

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I really like the Vapor XX I just bought. I haven't used it yet but it feels great. I like the Vapor XXX and would have bought one if they had the right flex. Hard to beat either of those for the price.

I will say this. The Warrior Starskie I have is a tank (in a good way). It feels nice and it's very durable. I wish they had a better selection of curves.

I have talked to a warrior rep and they said that there not selling them to shops anymore because they brake so easy.

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I really like the Vapor XX I just bought. I haven't used it yet but it feels great. I like the Vapor XXX and would have bought one if they had the right flex. Hard to beat either of those for the price.

I will say this. The Warrior Starskie I have is a tank (in a good way). It feels nice and it's very durable. I wish they had a better selection of curves.

I have talked to a warrior rep and they said that there not selling them to shops anymore because they brake so easy.

Starskies are limited editions that's why they aren't being sold anymore. A dolomite is the same stick as a Starskie anyway, my brothers starskie says dolomite on the inside of it.

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sorry to bring up an old topic but i have been looking at sticks alot and i cant decide. I would like to get a sl but there durability is bad what stick has comparable performance except more durability

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maybe... heres a list of sticks im considering

Synergy SL

Synergy SL grip

Synergy ST 06

Synergy 05 grip

TPS Adrenaline

Warrior Dolomite

Warrior royale

edit: no stealth 05 grip

How freakin' long does it take you to decide what stick to buy?

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maybe... heres a list of sticks im considering

Synergy SL

Synergy ST 06

TPS Adrenaline

Warrior royale

why would you even think of the royale when you're willing to go for top notch stuff such as the adrenaline? royale= entry-level.

If you want to try Warrior and are looking for a top notch stick, get a Dolomite or MacDaddy. No point in comparing top of the line to bottom of the barrel.

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yeah i guess i'll wait a bit for the prices to go down and when i get a stick ill post it in the show it off thread.

mods you can lock this thread

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