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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'm immune to poison ivy.

i dont see how thats possible

a couple people tell me they are but i dont believe them

I don't know how either. I spend a lot of time camping and hiking in the woods though, so my body may have just become immune to it.

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I'm immune to poison ivy.

i dont see how thats possible

a couple people tell me they are but i dont believe them

Get exposed to it often enough and that immunity goes away.

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I'm immune to poison ivy.

i dont see how thats possible

a couple people tell me they are but i dont believe them

It's very possiable. My brother can roll around in a patch of it and won't get it.

If you're really worried do some research on it. Google "posion ivy" or "facts on posion ivy".

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I'm immune to poison ivy.

i dont see how thats possible

a couple people tell me they are but i dont believe them

It's very possiable. My brother can roll around in a patch of it and won't get it.

If you're really worried do some research on it. Google "posion ivy" or "facts on posion ivy".

i did

i think it might be athletes foot know

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I'm immune to poison ivy.

i dont see how thats possible

a couple people tell me they are but i dont believe them

some people jsut have no reaction or allergy to it, thus they never get it

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I'm immune to poison ivy.

i dont see how thats possible

a couple people tell me they are but i dont believe them

It's very possiable. My brother can roll around in a patch of it and won't get it.

If you're really worried do some research on it. Google "posion ivy" or "facts on posion ivy".

i did

i think it might be athletes foot know

You know, I never saw this decision coming...

Oh, and it's not "know" in this sense, it's "now".

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Why hasn't this retard even bothered with a doctor? I don't go to WebMD to see how Easton's flex compares to Inno's.

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Alot of people are resistent to some weird things, when I served in the military they said 1 in 100 ppl is immune to tear-gas.

We had 2 out of 250 that were, damm that was a fun we spent in the gaschamber.. hehe never try to eat a digestive while beeing exposed to tear-gas... :lol:

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I'm immune to poison ivy.

i dont see how thats possible

a couple people tell me they are but i dont believe them

some people jsut have no reaction or allergy to it, thus they never get it

Yeah, on Mythbusters they wanted to see if vodka cured poison ivy, and they had to try like 5 people before they found one with a reaction!

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Yeah, on Mythbusters they wanted to see if vodka cured poison ivy, and they had to try like 5 people before they found one with a reaction!

Vodka cures many of life's problems, but not poison ivy.

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Why hasn't this retard even bothered with a doctor? I don't go to WebMD to see how Easton's flex compares to Inno's.


Mack, why can't everyone on this board apreciate your comic genius?

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Why hasn't this retard even bothered with a doctor?  I don't go to WebMD to see how Easton's flex compares to Inno's.


Mack, why can't everyone on this board apreciate your comic genius?

just wait till he makes fun of you

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Kid, you're sitting here trying to gather info on something that could have and should have been taken care of by a doctor. Anything on your feet is serious business because who knows what infection can come out of it. But if you just keep shirking it off, that's okay too because the co-holder for the NFL's longest field goal was missing half of his foot, so you have options.

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Kid, you're sitting here trying to gather info on something that could have and should have been taken care of by a doctor. Anything on your feet is serious business because who knows what infection can come out of it. But if you just keep shirking it off, that's okay too because the co-holder for the NFL's longest field goal was missing half of his foot, so you have options.

ive been trying to treat it

so chill, i dont need a doctor

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Kid, you're sitting here trying to gather info on something that could have and should have been taken care of by a doctor.  Anything on your feet is serious business because who knows what infection can come out of it.  But if you just keep shirking it off, that's okay too because the co-holder for the NFL's longest field goal was missing half of his foot, so you have options.

ive been trying to treat it

so chill, i dont need a doctor

Your trying to treat something , that you dont even know what it is. GO to a doctor, it will save you any trouble in the long run.

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