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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Happy with your one90's?

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So i finally got to take a look at a pair, and i was definitely impressed. But my dilemma is that a guy at the shop where i was looking at them told me not to get them, they'd be too stiff and i'd never break them in. I told him i was coming from XXX's, and that seemed to change him a little bit, but then he tried to sell me a graf. His point was that if 4 nhlers returned the one90's, and 3 euro players did the same thing because the skates were too stiff, how could they be a good skate for a non proffesional player. Originally i'd had my heart set on these skates, but before i go and order a pair through my work, i'd like to get some feedback from guys who have worn them, and wut they thought about them. Cause right now this sounding a lot like wut i heard regarding the first line of synergy skates.

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Yeah, they are a bit stiff, but in the right places, its a lower boot so they need to be and it offers good foreward flex. If ur coming from xxx's as far as stiffness u'll be fine. I like mine, but I like them less now that they are falling apart. :P

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I'm coming from XXX's as well, and like mattopiela said the forward flex is unbelievable. The stiffness really doesn't have any negative affect because of the ankle flex allowed, and if anything it helps in turning and support in the right areas.

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I came from pro stock 7000's and love these skates. They guy at the shop told me several people remarked on how stiff they were. I prefer a stiffer boot.

They are awesome skates, too bad mine are in Bauer's hands right now. :(

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I've been on my One90s since end of April. Durability for my boot is fine. I have also checked other elite skaters in my rink using One90s since the end of June and their boots look in good shape. At the moment, I have dodged the bullet with the heel/sole/glue issue on any One90s we have sold in the shop but I am watching for it on all One90s coming in for sharpenings. I think the move from Vapor series skates to One90s is easy.

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First skate on my one90s today from XXX's... real easy transition my only problem is that the lace eyelets are so low that they rub against the inside of my foot but i think (hope) i'll get used to it

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First skate on my one90s today from XXX's... real easy transition my only problem is that the lace eyelets are so low that they rub against the inside of my foot but i think (hope) i'll get used to it

Yeah, the eyelets are set farther back on the One90's and I thought that they were rubbing my ankles too, but I realized the ankle area hadn't fully broken in yet. I think this eyelet orientation makes the skate a little bit shallower than the XXX's.

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First skate on my one90s today from XXX's... real easy transition my only problem is that the lace eyelets are so low that they rub against the inside of my foot but i think (hope) i'll get used to it

Yeah, the eyelets are set farther back on the One90's and I thought that they were rubbing my ankles too, but I realized the ankle area hadn't fully broken in yet. I think this eyelet orientation makes the skate a little bit shallower than the XXX's.

The boot has less wrap for more flexibility.

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Thanks for phrasing it like that JR, that's exactly what I've noticed but didn't know the right way to describe it.

Edit: My 7 XXX's and 6.5 One90's are nearly identical in length, but my XXX's have 10 eyelets, and the One90's 9. Any reasoning behind this? Or just because it's a smaller size?

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i am thinking of getting the one90s but i am worried about the durabilty, right now i have easton z-air comp se. Do you think i will have any problems switching from easton to bauer?

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Going from the stiffest boot made in the last 6 years to a much lighter and more responsive boot - I have used a few pair this summer (pro stock). Some of us have had issues with the One90s and outsole separation, but it is still an amazing feel for a boot. I personally have decided to go with the CCM Vector 10. I really like the feel and responsiveness....as well as the stiffness. The Vector reminds me of the Z-air comp se, with a lot more comfort. The Vector is narrower than CCM Tacks.

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hey furlanitalia are you from BC? if so which LHS did you go to?

I went to cyclone taylors on north road. I was just in the area, normally i shop at westcoast or the hockey shop in surrey.

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There is one less eyelet because the One90's are a lower cut boot.

Actually, my One90's are the same height as my XXX's and on all pictures I've seen there are 10 eyelets on the One90's, so that can't be the answer.

Also, I've noticed on my right One90 the eyelets are misaligned. For example the third one on the inside of the skate is lower than on the outside, whereas it's not as pronounced on the left skate. The fourth inside eyelet on the right skate also overlaps some of the material beneath it, and none of the other fourth eyelets do this. Is this a problem? I wonder if this is what could be causing some of the rubbing on my inside ankles, or is it all by design and I'm in the wrong skate ...

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My daughter's previous skate was the Mission S-series (SW); they fit her perfectly and she loves the supplefit. It was very hard to find a replacement skate for her hard-to-fit feet. (Mission S-500 wasn't an option because it was a bit wider in the heel than the SW). This launched the most extensive research and longest purchase period we've ever had; she tried on virtually all skates in the market over a five month period. Nothing felt right after Mission's supplefit; the CCM Vector was probably one of the best fit and she ultimately rejected them because they felt "stiff & clunky".

She skates at least 5 times weekly and now needs a top end skate, but NOT so stiff that she loses the flexibility she loves from the Missions. She also has some lateral skating issues to sort out, and I wanted to make sure whatever skate she got was going to help.

Long story short: she's in the one90's and loves, loves, loves them. She has never had a skate that is so responsive: "With other skates it is move your SKATE over there, with the one90's it is move your FOOT there. And when you turn, BAM you're there."

Someone who already really uses their edges well will get the most from these skates. But what has me floored is the dramatic difference in her edgework: she didn't suddenly wake up last Wednesday morning with technique down - these skates are making her a better skater and I am sure she will just take-off this year as she works on developing technique and quickness.

JR put me in contact with another genius, Oldtrainerguy, who is also one of the rare people who know skates, feet and skating. After watching a video of her skating he amazed me with the significant improvement in her balance and lateral mobility possible through heel lifts and profiling.

She's still breaking them in and has a few hotspots to correct. She's at hockey camp this week and even with sore feet, she's saying the one90's are the best skates she's ever had.

BTW, this was the toughest skate purchase we've ever made and many MSHers helped me in this odyssey - what a great community! I feel I'd be remiss if I didn't thank some people who gave their time and advice so generously. Of note is ktang, who vividly described the transition from one type of skate to another. DarkStar who went way out of his way with help and advice: when he describes skating you hear the blades on the ice. JR was just awesome and absolutely invaluable, his knowledge knows no bounds and he spent a lot of time understanding her issues (I won't embarrass him with anymore superlatives, although they would not be at all out of place). And, of course, Oldtrainerguy, who is, IMO (and I've worked with a bunch of them), the best skate fitter in Toronto and will be "stuck" with us following him around for a very long time.

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In my shop, I often tell players when fitting them in new skates, "I am only a guide. You will know what fits you the best." I am glad to hear of your daughter's success in her new skates. IMO, the One90 only gets better every time you skate on them.

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In my shop, I often tell players when fitting them in new skates, "I am only a guide. You will know what fits you the best." I am glad to hear of your daughter's success in her new skates. IMO, the One90 only gets better every time you skate on them.

Haha I often tell players when I am fitting them, "You don't know anything!" Well, I tell them that in my head.

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This gets me off the hook!! "hey, I let you try on 5 different sizes, you said you have been skating for 8 years, you said this pair fit the best, so don't tell me now after you have used them that the skates don't fit." My job is to eliminate doubt in the player's head. I know its not easy but the process of elimination is what helps to decide which skate fits the best.

The stuff we are saying to ourselves they never get to hear. I only share with the staff after the player has left the shop!! %#&*(@!%%^ chucklehead!!!

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