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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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mission s400

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i tryed them on last week, they are the most comfortable skate i've ever worn. My ankle feels so snug and locked in. So i went ahead and baught them, im skating on it next week

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The 500s are fantastic. If the 400s are even close, they are well worth the investment.

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The 500s are fantastic. If the 400s are even close, they are well worth the investment.

Chadd, did you knock down the radius from 11' or are they still standard?

I wonder why mission uses an 11' radius when the whole thing with the supple-fit system is to gain mobility on the ice... ?

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I skated in prolites for a month before my skates showed up so the switch wasn't as bad as jumping from Tuuks. I left them as they came from the factory and I've had no problems with them at all. I had a ton of problems with Grafs but no problems at all with the Missions and the holders are rock-solid. They may be more stiff than Tuuks.

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The 500s are fantastic. If the 400s are even close, they are well worth the investment.

Chadd, did you knock down the radius from 11' or are they still standard?

I wonder why mission uses an 11' radius when the whole thing with the supple-fit system is to gain mobility on the ice... ?

Geki - because 11" is stabler.

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