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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How long does it take to get some skates

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My friend is coming from Milwaukee, WI to visit my country, Croatia, Europe. 09.04.

So, I'm having 10-14 days to get some ice skates from online stores to his address. Is this possible and which of these online retailers has fastest shiping methods, and what was your experiences. thanks

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Do yo sugest not to go for 2nd day air or something faster?

Why spend the extra money to get it shipped air? The package will get there within a week that it takes standard ground shipping.

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Kako si?

My dad was born in Rijeka, so I am familiar with shipping to Croatia, but it looks like you are shipping to Milwakee. No problem there. Most of the stores take 3 days to get to Wisconsin, as it is pretty close to the middle of the country. Some places ship ground free for orders over $150, like 1800faceoff.com, Great Skate, and others. As long as your friend is staying for a week you will be just fine....but you just might want to plan for checking the skates in luggage as international flights overseas are pretty strict, and they may not let you take the skates on the plane (the sharpened blade could be considered a weapon).

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one of my teammates is yugoslavian and he speaks a slightly different dialect of the language. He taught me a little bit and we use it on the rink all the time, and we can really move the puck well using it since other teams don't know what we're saying. Some people will try to mimic what we're saying, but it never comes out right.

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New season starting soon....when does the season start in Croatia and Slovenia?

By the way...I am not sold on the new crop of Bauer/Nike skates. They have had some durability issues. I have spent some time looking at some skates. If your friend likes narrow boots, he might want to take a look at the Vector 10. I have worn Bauer and Nike skates since 1983, and this was the first CCM product that I really could wear for my narrow foot. I am not saying don't buy the XXXs, but I am saying that there are a lot more choices out there to look at.

I can't wait to go back to Rijeka. I want to take my son there with me. The last time I was ther was when I was 4. I remember it like it was yesterday.

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Season already started ( august). Training and so... That counts for Zagreb and I belive for Slovenia.For professional clubs.

My club is situated in Karlovac. We are beer leauge.(17-55). We start in november, december couse we got open ice rink. Until then, we are playing inline(roller) hockey.

I read some durability issues about XXX, what about XIX? Did they have same issue? I'm about 95 kilos, and playing 3-4 times a week for 1.5 hour. From novembr, december till march.

On roller hockey I wear mission 5500 skates, they fit like a glove, very comfy. But for ice, no mission models for me. I tried everything. Easton 1500 , CCM vector6.0 were OK, RBK 5k were OK, (little too soft), CCM pro tacks not good for my feet.

So, i tried XXX and they felt pefect for me, also 8000 even better. Didnt try XIX, but i figured XXX = XIX about fitting, am I wrong? 8000 is hard to find, so deceision is on XIX. What do you think.

You must come to Croatia, ASAP. It's very pretty nowadays. With war is over, we can focus ourselves on sports and fun.

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I'd chime into this convo but all the Serb/Cro I know is largely based on swear words and barn yard animal names.....

You will save a packet from this deal bre! ;-)

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I have heard good things about the XIX....not as many issues as I have heard with the XXX, or for that matter the XXs.

The 1500c is a nice skate, but I did not like the Bladz holder. Just did not feel the same. The boot though was very comfortable.

I have tried the RBK 9Ks, the One90, the 1500c, and the CCM Vector 10.0, and I have chosen the Vector 10. It is the best all around skate for the money. Very durable, light, responsive, and comfortable. I have worn Bauers for a long time, and I was suprised that these ran narrow for a CCM boot. Try a pair of the new ones on, and compare them to the XiX or the XXX.

Man I can't wait to go back. Karlovac huh? God...that brings back memories of my father getting pissed off and screaming

Kudac Karlovac!


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I am 30. (he,he) Years are just passing by....

This weekend I'm going to visit my friend in Kraljevica, 15 mins to Rijeka. His son's having first birthday.

When are you coming to Rijeka? Maybe we can meet and share some experiences. If it's winter, bring some gear(skates) with yourself and come to Karlovac. You'll get stick and so... over here.

We'll be happpy to host some croatia-northamerican player.

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