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Coaching High School Hockey

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I need some advice, here is the situation

I was just approached to become an assistant coach for a HS team here in NY, my dilemna though is that the team that I would be coaching is in the same division as a team I used to work for a team photographer, I also coached the team in a Spring league and helped recruit a ton of the players. I was passed over by this team when the regular season came around, they went with 2 other coaches who weren't as experienced as I am. I really want to get back into coaching, and I kinda feel like I have something to prove, like they made a mistake in passing me over. But I also feel bad cause I would be coaching against alot of kids who I coached and also recruited. It's been 2 years since I've coached and like I said I really want to get back into coaching. Is it a bad thing to feel torn like I am or am I just making too much out of it?

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I need some advice, here is the situation

I was just approached to become an assistant coach for a HS team here in NY, my dilemna though is that the team that I would be coaching is in the same division as a team I used to work for a team photographer, I also coached the team in a Spring league and helped recruit a ton of the players. I was passed over by this team when the regular season came around, they went with 2 other coaches who weren't as experienced as I am. I really want to get back into coaching, and I kinda feel like I have something to prove, like they made a mistake in passing me over. But I also feel bad cause I would be coaching against alot of kids who I coached and also recruited. It's been 2 years since I've coached and like I said I really want to get back into coaching. Is it a bad thing to feel torn like I am or am I just making too much out of it?

If you have experience, just do what you know. After all it's just high school, the kids aren't going to hold a grudge against you if that's what you're worried about.

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I'd say go for it. If you really want to get back into coaching, this is your shot. It kinda sucks that you have to coach against the kids you worked with before, but that's unfortunately the way that life goes sometimes. It doesn't mean that they will reject what you taught them when you coached them, it just means that you've moved on. If the program passed on you, it's neither your fault or the kids'. There's nothing you can do but try to get with a new one.

btw, what school is it?

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If you are going to coach you are eventually going to have to move on at various points in your career. You will end up coaching against kids you coached before, it's no big deal. Coach where you want.

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I could appreciate your sense of loyalty.

I think I would go talk to the guys who I'm working with and tell them how I feel.

I think that they'll encourage you to take the position.

One thing I would get out of my mind is the thought of having something to prove or that they made a mistake.

This situation is probably in everyone's best interest.

I'm sure you know that to act professionally and talk to them is the way to go before you take your decision. Isn't that what you would expect if the roles were reversed.

I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.

Have a good season!

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I really want to get back into coaching, and I kinda feel like I have something to prove, like they made a mistake in passing me over.

It should be about the kids, not about your ego. If you want to do it and think you have something to offer, then go for it. Just don't do it because they hurt your feelings or you feel the need to prove something to yourself or others.

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My Personal Preference is to coach older kids, I'm more of a systems kinda coach, I feel that it's easier to coach stuff like that to the older kids who have more of an attention span.


It is about the kids, I started coaching when I was 17 years old (I'm now 26). I've coached every possible age group from 5 years olds up to 18 year olds. It has always been about the kids for me. The whole I have something to prove comment, I kinda made it bigger than it is and it's not part of my decision at all. Yes I was upset that I was passed over but I'm over it. The Head Coach who passed me over is still a really close friend of mine and we play on the same roller hockey team.

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It was more so a loyality to the kids who I helped recruit and coach along with the Parents who were really great to me than it was to the school itself

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I can understand your divided feelings. It would be a different situation if you recruited these people and then decided to go down the street and coach a competitive team.

That is not the case. Go coach and don't spend another :30 seconds of your life worrying about it.

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I can understand your divided feelings. It would be a different situation if you recruited these people and then decided to go down the street and coach a competitive team.

That is not the case. Go coach and don't spend another :30 seconds of your life worrying about it.

These two teams are going to be in the same division for the upcoming season

Anyways I've decided to give it a shot, I'm going to meet up with the Head Coach of the new team and have a sit down to go over things and if we click and all that stuff then I'll be back in the coaching game. I'll have to go and re-up my Coaches Card, hopefully there will be a clinic in my area soon.

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I'm glad to hear it!

OOPs - I missed one little word in my original post ... and then YOU decided to leave.

It wasn't your decision - therefore it shouldn't be your guilt.

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Thanks, Now I could use a little more advice hahaha. I'm going to have a meeting/interview with the Head Coach. I'm going to go in asking alot of questions about his system, his style, etc. But should I also bring in my own ideas and share them or should I just stick to just listening to his and see how things go? Has anyone been in this kinda situation before that could offer any advice?

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Thanks, Now I could use a little more advice hahaha. I'm going to have a meeting/interview with the Head Coach. I'm going to go in asking alot of questions about his system, his style, etc. But should I also bring in my own ideas and share them or should I just stick to just listening to his and see how things go? Has anyone been in this kinda situation before that could offer any advice?

Find out what role he wants you to fill before saying much of anything. If he isn't familiar with what you consider your strengths, don't hesitate to let him know. Just keep in mind it's his team and ultimately his decision. BTW, I was taking your one quote out of the context of the paragraph just to make a point for others, it was nothing personal.

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If your strengths and preferences is in coaching the systems and positional play, tell the head coach. Hopefully he's looking to delegate that to an assistant (you). If not, then it wasn't meant to be...

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I'm going to be chipping in and helping my brother's team when I can. I figure as long as I don't become the Larry Eustachy of high-school hockey then I did right.

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not to be a dick but if the team isnt as good as the one ur "leaving" that might influence ur descicion cuz a bad team may be frustrating especially when u go back and play the kids u know...

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I'm going to be chipping in and helping my brother's team when I can. I figure as long as I don't become the Larry Eustachy of high-school hockey then I did right.

LOL nice...

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