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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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what's your car?

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nice a saab. i have a soft spot for them and their resale price really appeals to me lol. i would seriously consider trading my 99 prelude for a 9-3 hatchback. i like the new models but the hatchback is nostalgic.

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Isn't Petey from Sweden? That's probably a good reason why he has a Saab. How common are they over there?

Yes, I'm from Sweden and Saab is pretty common here, second most popular brand here behind Volvo. There are also alot of other European cars like Volkswagen (VW), Audi, BMW and Mercedes on the streets here, French brands like Peugeot and Renault etc, and various Japanese brands. Not many American cars here though except for SUVs, vans and some trucks.

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1985 Toyota Camry

I think mines the oldest so far but I mighta missed something. It gets me around, and gets 31 MPG.

And whoever was going to rice out whatever car they got with the neon lights....first things you should do is make the car go fast, then make it look good. I'd rather have a "sleeper" then somethin that looks nice but goes slower than my 1985 camry...just my thoughts.

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me-95 jaguar vandem plaus (not sure how to spell?)moms old car.

dad-04 cadillac escalade ext,67 jaguar xj6,and a 75 911 targa

mom-looking for a car maybe a landrover or some sort of cadillac

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Nothing for me quite yet.

Mom has the 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee (Pewter)

For work my dad uses some old 1985 GMC Suburban with no muffler :D (Black with Grey stripe)

Brother uses 1996 Pontiac Grand Prix SE (Green)

For hockey tournaments we use a 1999 Chevy Suburban (Pewter)

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Me- 1998 Eclipse(turbo/AWD)

Dad -Mercedes CLK 320

Mom - 1997 Intrepid

Brother - 1999 Trans Am GTA

Yah my mom got ripped, she dosnt live with me or my dad so she has the crappy car.

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Mom: '04 GMC Yukon-Blue

Dad: 1980 Corvette-Yellow

Brother: modded '02 BMW 328ci

Im too young to drive, but im getting my grandpa's s2000 when i turn 17 B)

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Just got my license, first car is a 2003 Lexus RX300 :D ....yes i'm a soccer mom. When my mom isn't around or isn't driving, i take her 2003 Audi A6 3.0. My dad drives a 2002 Boxter, but right now the rest of the family is pushing him to sell it and get a 6-series...we'll see how that turns out.

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Man, u guys must be so loaded to have all these nice cars. And each of you have your own cars which is crazy. I don't know about how much insurance is in the states, but its crazy here for a young guy to have his own car. In my family we have a '01 Aztek, a '04 Sebring (company car), and a pimpin' '91 MPV.

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Me, I rotate between a 02 Yukon and 02 Honda Civic, both my mom's of course. And my mom drives this, quite possibly the most flamboyant car ever.


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Camel rollin deep i see.  ^_^ The mom is driving an A6 4.2, thing is a monster. A6's are great cars.

I love the A6, it's my family's second. It's just a primo car to drive, its awesome all around. Unfortunately my brother comes home from school tomorrow and i have to share the Lexus with him for the summer, but at least i get it for myself when it gets cold out.

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'98 Neon (White)....damn sticks don't even fit in the trunk...which I hate, because around here some punk will break into my car to steal my sticks...so when I play in the evening (right after work) I bring my sticks into the office with me.

Every week someone says..."playing hockey tonight Matt?" I'm like, "No, just thought I'd carry hockey sticks around in June to look cool..."

Sorry, got a little off topic there.

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