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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Would someone be willing to bid for me !?!?!

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I really want to bid on a pair of skates, but I am not able to because the seller does not ship to Canada therefor I cannot bid. I would really like these skates. So if anyone with a good heart would be willing to bid for me, I am willing to pay for you services. 20.00 USD just for the bid. I'll pay for everything else. Thanks.

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Buy them yourself and have the skates shipped to someone here in the US.

I would but I can't. I can't even bid on the auction because my account is registered in Canada and he doesn't accpet canadian buyers.

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Pretty simple. Fuck him. if he don<t want to sell to canada well that his problem, he is loosing a bid...

For the first time since im on modsquad, i agree with mack lolll... :P

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send him a message and tell him you'll be shipping to a US address. Do so after confirming with a MSH member, of course.

that sounds the most lodgical and doesn't put any one out ,plus have you tried e-mailing this person and telling him you pay for shipping and pay in usd (bonus for you thanks to our dollar)

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send him a message and tell him you'll be shipping to a US address. Do so after confirming with a MSH member, of course.

yes, just send him a message through ebay and he can allow your ebay id to bid on the item if you have a US address to ship it to

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