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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike Swift Olympic Hockey Socks

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JR, when you report back on these socks, could you supply a BETTER pic? I was thinking more along the lines of the one BK posted!

:o She wants a better view of your "swift" :D

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Okay, I have just been informed by my source of the socks that they are indeed backwards...the white part is in the back of the leg...LOL...I feel like a dumbass...new pics tomorrow...

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Okay, I have just been informed by my source of the socks that they are indeed backwards...the white part is in the back of the leg...LOL...I feel like a dumbass...new pics tomorrow...

We have a little saying when something like this happens:


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The only swift thing is the socks?  LOL

Laugh it up...

Oh I am… any way you look at it, these socks are determined to quickly bring you to your knees…

It’s ok JR, don’t sweat it…LOL… I wanted new pics anyways!

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Sigh.. Looks like you stretched a big red condom over your leg.. Better protection? Sure.. Even the toughest hockey players can catch some weird stuff playing around on strange ice.. ROFL!!!.. I wonder if they will make them in magnum size?.. lol.

k... I restrained myself and kept my tasteless puns to a minimum :)

Edit: Joke all I want.. I will proabably drop a few bucks and get a pair when they go retail. I'm a sellout. <_<

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Almost looks like no need for tape/straps/sleeve. What about the top? Do you still need to use a garter or velcro to hold them up? How long are they?

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Now that I put them on the right way, they come up just fine. Figured out why there is one velcro tab - because of the mesh in the back. The sock sticks to velcro just fine.

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Ugly, ugly, ugly, in any color scheme. The reservoir tip is a nice touch, though.

Ugly maybe, but functional? I think that's the point of the different style, it's not really about style. :D

And I'm staying FAR away from the rest of your comment.

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Updating this thread -

Gave them a shot in Windsor last week.

Like everyone expected, it is a workout putting these on. Time will tell if they are easier as I use them more. On the ice, they felt great, but the main problem I was having with them is that they don't work with Velcro tabs. There is one Velcro tab but it is too high on the sock. I think they would work better with a garter belt, especially in the back.

I did not fall in the game, but I tried to slide on them before the game, and there is a definite learning curve with these as you pretty much pick up speed.

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