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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Emmy's

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I know there are some ok moments but for the most part it is so stupid.

very poetic, very critical, very mature. Good point. What do you want, a monkey juggling flaiming bowling pins on top of an elephant? Its a fucking awards ceremony.

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I know there are some ok moments but for the most part it is so stupid.

This just in.. Breaking news!

If you dont like what you are watching on tv... change the fucking channel. :rolleyes:

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if you want to see a shitty awards show find a tape of the teen choice awards. i watched some of the red carpet shit and it was horrible they didnt have there shit together at all. not to mention all they did was hype the greasy bastard k-fed the whole time.

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I thought Conan was pretty funny.

Then again....When isn't Conan funny? ;)

Usually any time he tries

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