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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help finding a torrent

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Hey guys,

Well my little cousins are coming into town and I promised them I'd take them to go see that Material Girls movie. The problem is its so crappy that Its not even showing in our theatres. So I dicided I'll try and download it but I can find a torrent for it anywhere. I wonder why :ph34r: . So can anyone try and help me find the torrent for it, Im having no luck.

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shame shame..


Wont let me register there. But thanks anyways.

Yea, they can be tricky. I had to keep an eye on it for about a week before their registration opened.. They dont take many people, but the torrents they have there are NICE. Lots of seeders and they try to keep their torrents exclusive to their site.

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isohunt.com (or .org, i dont remember) - for all your ILLEGAL downloading needs

Good call, I usually check all the popular sites and if they dont have it isohunt does.

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Take this as a sign from God that no one should see this movie. I only wish something like this happened to "Snakes on a Plane."

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Yea I know, when I called the theatre said it was only on "limited release". I wonder why, i allways thought Hilary and Haylie Duff were legitimate actresses.

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