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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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easton ops irregularities

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OK, today I was really bored in the shop so I was changing the layout of my storage and noticed a few things about the new Easton OPS. I found that some of the new SL's are longer and don't have endplugs. I also found one Sakic INT stealth that was a full inch shorter than all of the other ones. Has anyone else noticed things like this or am I just being weird?

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OK, today I was really bored in the shop so I was changing the layout of my storage and noticed a few things about the new Easton OPS. I found that some of the new SL's are longer and don't have endplugs. I also found one Sakic INT stealth that was a full inch shorter than all of the other ones. Has anyone else noticed things like this or am I just being weird?

It looks like Easton is going to the no end plug.

Keep in mind that blade lengths will change the "length" of the stick.

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Sorry, that was a joke. There have been accusations that some of us "bash" easton products. I had that happen last year with Mission Hex OPS, there were size and paint variations.

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I got a no-endplug Easton SL...the rep was in and had no idea until I showed it to him. Looks like a running change.

Ah, your post was confusing - it sounded like you measured the Sakic to other sticks (as in other patterns)

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Sorry, that was a joke. There have been accusations that some of us "bash" easton products. I had that happen last year with Mission Hex OPS, there were size and paint variations.

I remember seeing some hex-1 ops at a shop and seing some be like a brighter white and others being a creamish white color.

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We have a Grip Stealth at the shop that has no grip. We've got another stick (this is gonna be hard to explain) that doesn't have the finish on it. By finish, I mean the outer covering that makes it look shiny and almost scaly. And yes, we also have started to get Eastons in with no composite end plug, just the plastic cap.

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Defence, where is your shop? I heard of the same thing happening in a shop in NY.

edit: holy crap. welcome to the 500 club.

Ice House Pro Shop in Hackensack, NJ. I was in the stock room all week dealing with an NBH delivery. I'll have to check these OPS out on Tuesday with defence18.

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