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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy lacebite/shockdoctor footbed question?

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In the 1500c tongues, there is a hard insert or something like that. If I remove it, will it affect the preformance of the skate at all? I wasnt sure if it did anything or not. It is giving me lacebite.

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Are the laces themselves digging in, or the edges of the insert? My L7s have something similar and I assumed that it was there to prevent lacebite. It hasn't given me any problems yet.

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For those of you that have synergy skates, how many of you have experienced lace bite or pressure on your forefoot area? How did you solve it? Is pressure on the top of my foot considered "lacebite"?

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But is pressure on the top of my foot considered lacebite?

That sounds like a skate that isn't deep enough for you

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Hmmm. I never thought of that. So I suppose synergies arent deep? I had flexlite 12's before, are they a deeper cut skate?

Could it also be the thickness of the shockdoctor footbeds? I have been using superfeet and the SD's feel thicker especially in the skates themselves. Is this true?

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find an old pair of spongy shit from old gear or something like something rubery spongy and cut it so it goes from one side to the other of ur foot, and insert it inside ur skate make sure its like medium thick it worked for me with my 1300's

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