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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Can a foot be too "tall" for different models of

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I was down in sports authority picking up some tape this morning, and they had these easton Magnum skates on the racks.

I took down a pair in my size and tried them on. They immediately felt more comfy that my current skates (852 tacks).

With my tacks, it feels like the boot itself is not deep enough for the tongue to comfortably cover my foot. It looks bulky and I don't get the even lacing pattern up (see below)

If you look at my skate laces from the top down they look like this

( )

When I tied the eastons they were like this

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I always just assumed when people talk about "deep skates" they are talking about for the back of the ankle, how much it goes up the back to offer support, rather than how deep the boot is from bottom to top of foot where the laces go.

Also, the eastons that actually fit me, were a size 10, which is odd, do eastons fit much bigger? (my tacks are 11.5)

It was easton magnum I think was the type of skate.

Anyway, after trying them on, I think I may have been put in the wrong skate for my foot (simply because I didn't know anything at all about skates when I got these, so when the guy asked how they feel, I said fine, didn't try on anything else.)

So, does it sound like I may be in the wrong skate?

And what part are people talking about when they talk about skate depth?

Thanks for the help and info guys

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You are correct on the depth it is not how wide the heel is but how much room you have from the laces to the back of the heel. And if you went down in easton then your ccms are to big. Easton fits smaller than CCM. Sounds like you found a good fitting pair of skates thee.

However to go from an 852 to a Magnum is a very big drop in quality.

I would try some other eastons on that are a couple steps up.

I am not sur what that store carries in models.

Easton is for sure a deeper fit skate then the ccms you have now.

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You are correct on the depth it is not how wide the heel is but how much room you have from the laces to the back of the heel. And if you went down in easton then your ccms are to big. Easton fits smaller than CCM. Sounds like you found a good fitting pair of skates thee.

However to go from an 852 to a Magnum is a very big drop in quality.

I would try some other eastons on that are a couple steps up.

I am not sur what that store carries in models.

Easton is for sure a deeper fit skate then the ccms you have now.

This was sports authority, this was all they had, and I know that the 2 closest LHS to me don't have easton in stock.

I am going to ny this christmas, so may try to get a pair then, otherwise I will just order online, as the options are not great elsewhere.

Would other eastons generally fit like this, or what should I do if i can't try them on.

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You are correct on the depth it is not how wide the heel is but how much room you have from the laces to the back of the heel. And if you went down in easton then your ccms are to big. Easton fits smaller than CCM. Sounds like you found a good fitting pair of skates thee.

However to go from an 852 to a Magnum is a very big drop in quality.

I would try some other eastons on that are a couple steps up.

I am not sur what that store carries in models.

Easton is for sure a deeper fit skate then the ccms you have now.

This was sports authority, this was all they had, and I know that the 2 closest LHS to me don't have easton in stock.

I am going to ny this christmas, so may try to get a pair then, otherwise I will just order online, as the options are not great elsewhere.

Would other eastons generally fit like this, or what should I do if i can't try them on.

They are but they will be a little tighter in the ankle which is a good thing.

We have selected Easton skates that are a couple years old but all are $79.99 we wont ship them or anything you would have to find someone in Canada to go to our store to get them for you.

But you can get last years 700 for 79 bucks an awesome deal...mind you not sure how many are left.

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They are but they will be a little tighter in the ankle which is a good thing.

We have selected Easton skates that are a couple years old but all are $79.99 we wont ship them or anything you would have to find someone in Canada to go to our store to get them for you.

But you can get last years 700 for 79 bucks an awesome deal...mind you not sure how many are left.

Where is your store, if its in ottawa, I will be able to get someone to get them for me, otherwise, thanks for the advice.

Hopefully you are in ottawa, as I would like to give business to those who help me when possible

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Just one more quick question.

You say the magnum is a big step down.

I play in an adult beginners level league. Would they be ok for that?

I was thinking since I actually had these on my foot, would it be wise to maybe take them, as they are only $49 at the minute, and see how they work for my foot on the ice.

Then, if they are good, i can invest in a decent pair of eastons, and if not, no harm no foul.

Or is it a waste of money to get that level of skate?

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Tacks are a unique fitting skate because they are wide but shallow. Now that you understand what depth means you're going down the right road with Easton. Rbk's are also wide and deep.

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Tacks are a unique fitting skate because they are wide but shallow. Now that you understand what depth means you're going down the right road with Easton. Rbk's are also wide and deep.

So is it possible that I am using a much bigger size in the tacks than I need because of the shallow boot, the smaller (correct) size is too shallow.

I wear size 12 dress shoes, and am in 11.5 tacks, but these eastons were only size 10, laced them up fully, my toe barely touched the end, heel felt stable in them too.

Should something like this make a difference in my skating, if I was in the completely wrong type of boot for my foot?

I may need to organize a trip somewhere with good shops or selections, philly or somewhere in PA would be closest

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Tacks are a unique fitting skate because they are wide but shallow.  Now that you understand what depth means you're going down the right road with Easton.  Rbk's are also wide and deep.

So is it possible that I am using a much bigger size in the tacks than I need because of the shallow boot, the smaller (correct) size is too shallow.

I wear size 12 dress shoes, and am in 11.5 tacks, but these eastons were only size 10, laced them up fully, my toe barely touched the end, heel felt stable in them too.

Should something like this make a difference in my skating, if I was in the completely wrong type of boot for my foot?

I may need to organize a trip somewhere with good shops or selections, philly or somewhere in PA would be closest

Iceline in Westchester usually has a good selection of skates. I got my 852s there ages ago.

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Tacks are a unique fitting skate because they are wide but shallow.  Now that you understand what depth means you're going down the right road with Easton.  Rbk's are also wide and deep.

So is it possible that I am using a much bigger size in the tacks than I need because of the shallow boot, the smaller (correct) size is too shallow.

I wear size 12 dress shoes, and am in 11.5 tacks, but these eastons were only size 10, laced them up fully, my toe barely touched the end, heel felt stable in them too.

Should something like this make a difference in my skating, if I was in the completely wrong type of boot for my foot?

I may need to organize a trip somewhere with good shops or selections, philly or somewhere in PA would be closest

Sounds like you're off. I wear a size 8 shoe and my Tacks and Rbk's are size 6. An easy way to tell if you're off the mark on size is to take out the insole of the skate and put your foot over it being sure to line up the heel of your foot with the heel of the insole. Your toes should be at the end. If you have more than a pinky width of space between your toes and the end of the insole the size isn't correct.

Depth is a little more tricky. That's where a pencil or ruler comes in handy. Put the skate on and lace it up. Then take the pencil and put it accross the front of the skate at the third eyelet from the top. The pencil should be touching both sides of the skate. If the pencil rests on the tonque and the sides are way off, then that skate is too shallow.

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Just one more quick question.

You say the magnum is a big step down.

I play in an adult beginners level league. Would they be ok for that?

I was thinking since I actually had these on my foot, would it be wise to maybe take them, as they are only $49 at the minute, and see how they work for my foot on the ice.

Then, if they are good, i can invest in a decent pair of eastons, and if not, no harm no foul.

Or is it a waste of money to get that level of skate?

Sorry in Toronto. But the above post has the right information to correctly fit yourself.

And yes you can use that skate as a guide the other Eastons will just be tighter in the heel.

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OK, I found easton up in laurel, which was a bit of a trek, but my foot feels more comfortable in new unbroken easton skates than they did in CCM. I feel like posting the name of the shop who "fitted" me for my tacks, but to be fair to them, I didn't know anything about skates, so I was agreeing with them, so its not their fault.

Just wanted to thank everyone who helped me with fitting help, both on this thread, and via PM.

Also, I am a true believer that modsquad is the best damn site on the web. I have learned so much in the past year here than I could have elsewhere.

Thanks all

From a grateful Easton foot

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OK, I found easton up in laurel, which was a bit of a trek, but my foot feels more comfortable in new unbroken easton skates than they did in CCM. I feel like posting the name of the shop who "fitted" me for my tacks, but to be fair to them, I didn't know anything about skates, so I was agreeing with them, so its not their fault.

Just wanted to thank everyone who helped me with fitting help, both on this thread, and via PM.

Also, I am a true believer that modsquad is the best damn site on the web. I have learned so much in the past year here than I could have elsewhere.

Thanks all

From a grateful Easton foot

What easton skate did you end up getting?

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Well I know I didnt PM but glad you got what you needed...

OTG, you are certainly one of the big helps for me, so much thanks again for your advice and explaining what boot depth was all about to a beginner, and also to JJTT for the pencil trick.

Tacks are already listed in the sell section, so I learned something, changed something and hopefully the skate tomorrow will be a little better for me, and my feet

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I learned the pencil trick from some guy named JR. You may have heard of him :P

Pancake, good to see you're sticking with it. Your hard work will be rewarded...but don't forget to enjoy the journey!

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OK, this may count as quickest skate change ever. I went back to the shop today, to get skates sharpened (I bought them yesterday, the sharpener guy was not there).

So, I go up to him and explain that I was there yesterday blah blah.

So he says "have you tried bauer skates", I said no, the easton seemed to fit. he said, before I sharpen those, just try these on, see what you think.

So gives me a pair of Supreme30's (remember, beginner here, I have no need for higher end skates at all).

And they fit a little better than the Eastons. He said they were heat moldable too, so I decided to take them. So I am just back from the shop, with skates baked and sharpened, and fitted (he is also on the NBH something advisory panel, either consumer advisory or equipment advisory, some deely going on in boston soon for them, so he may have had an alterior motive in putting me in bauer).

Anyway, long story short, I went looking for new skates by accident, ended up in laurel (which is a trek from my place in NOVA, but not so far from my work in MD), and I have no resolved because of the quality of service, attention to what I needed, rather than what they wanted to sell me, and just all round selection (something that has been lacking from other LHS in the area) that For Sports, in Laurel MD will get any and all future business from me.

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