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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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So I got a violation ticket, any help?

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I'll make a long story short because I am in a hurry, a little bit ago I was going to 6 flags with 3 of my friends. I started driving because the rest of them were tired, we were taking shifts driving. I started driving and got pulled over for my window tint being too dark. I didn't know, and the cop told me I should get it changed, I let him know I purchased it like this and haven't had a problem before. I thought everything was ok, then he ran my license. He told me to get out of the car and he asked me if I was on GDL, I told him no, because on the back of my license it says it expires june 12-06...and I never got a notification in the mail. He said in the system it shows june 22-07, so he gave me a GDL ticket. I didn't think this was fair. After that he asked if he could search my car, I asked him for his probably cause, and he didn't have any. I told him no. He kept badgering me. Then he told me we couldn't leave and go to 6 flags untill he did. so finally i just popped the trunk. He searched through the cooler, duffle bags, and the rest of the trunk before closing it. He didn't find anything and that was that. I was still mad about the GDL thing, I never did anythign wrong, I got my windows changed, and I thought it wasn't right that I wasn't even speeding people were flying by me. But I guess he had a right to pull me over. I found out for a previous speeding ticket my GDL was extended, but I never got a notification. I wan't to fight this because these points double which mean I would loose my license. I was wondering if anyone could help me out here. Share experiences or what they think of the whole situation. Please help, thanks.

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I know nothing about US law, but in the song "99 Problems" by Jay-Z a cop asks to look in his car and he says "I know my rights so you gon need a warent for that"

If that is true then he shouldn't have been able to search your car, but then again it's probobly not true as it's from a song :D

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We just talked about this is law class. The Cop doesnt need a warrant if he has reasonable suspicion,which he does not have to tell you what his suspicion is.

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Well personally he had suspicion when he pulled you over. Most times cops don't pull you over and give you a ticket for having windows too tinted...it sorta gives them a reason to stop you so they can find out something else.

You sure the GDL thing gives you points? Cause I apparently ran a red light, which I'm still pissed about, and that didn't give me any points at all...my insurence actually went down. Might actually be a just a normal offense like public smoking or something.

You can always take the court date and not pay the ticket. The thing sounded kinda fishy to me.

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We just talked about this is law class. The Cop doesnt need a warrant if he has reasonable suspicion,which he does not have to tell you what his suspicion is.

The cop doesn't need a warrant to search your car if you consent to the search.

If you refuse to the search he MUST have "probable cause", that is more than a huntch or a suspicion. Probable cause is a vague term which can cause problems.

However the cop can search your car if he can see something, this is the "plain view" clause. For example if he sees something illegal i.e. a pipe, open alcohol container etc. Then he will be able to search the rest of your car.

When you get out of your car make sure to shut your door, dont make it easier to spot something that may give him reason to search your car. However if you don;t have anything to hide sometimes it is easier to just let them search.

Don't let them search if its not your car or even your parents, if you dont know what is in the car dont concede to a search. If tyey find something you will be held accountable.

But for the OP question what is GDL?


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So he could have no suspiction what so ever?

I love the window tint excuse, it happened to me a couple times when I first got my license. Of course I knew the regulation and mine was right at the limit. The problem was I had to pay my fine and court costs before I could go to court and fight it, gotta love PA law. The same department pulled that stunt on me four more times in the next month before a harrassment suit put that to an end.

It happens all of the time. Just like in this case, some cops will bully and intimidate you into giving consent. They're getting paid anyway, it isn't going to bother them to spend all day trying to search your car. Plus, they're a lot safer screwing with a kid over window tint than looking for real crime.

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I'am pretty sure that a cop does have to have a warrent to be able to search your car.

last nite a friend and i went to a party.

i drank, but my friend didnt.

well, he 4got to turn his lights on for like 1 block and we got pulled over by 2 cops.

well, they asked if he drank and stuf, he said no. he showed licence and registration and all that stuff.

well, the cops talked to us again after looking all his info up and said something along the lines of everythign is ok now.

well, then a couple minutes later the cop came and searched the car for "weapons, or alochol". for his "safety"

i was worried, but he ust ended up getting a ticket and i didnt get caught. all ended up well for me. but i was suuprised they searched the car.

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Today I was going to see my uncle (ironically in jail) and before we went there we stopped at a gas station and I went in for a slim-jim for my little bro. When I came out a trooper pulls behind and car and flashes his lights. Apparently a pilot in a police plane said we ran a stop sign. The thing is that he is 1,000ft. in the air and i'm sure we didn't run it. So my dad got a ticket.

Some Officers sux and some are really nice.


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I'am pretty sure that a cop does have to have a warrent to be able to search your car.

last nite a friend and i went to a party.

i drank, but my friend didnt.

well, he 4got to turn his lights on for like 1 block and we got pulled over by 2 cops.

well, they asked if he drank and stuf, he said no. he showed licence and registration and all that stuff.

well, the cops talked to us again after looking all his info up and said something along the lines of everythign is ok now.

well, then a couple minutes later the cop came and searched the car for "weapons, or alochol". for his "safety"

i was worried, but he ust ended up getting a ticket and i didnt get caught. all ended up well for me. but i was suuprised they searched the car.

as long as you're not driving, i didn't think you could get in trouble just for being drunk.

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I'am pretty sure that a cop does have to have a warrent to be able to search your car.

last nite a friend and i went to a party.

i drank, but my friend didnt.

well, he 4got to turn his lights on for like 1 block and we got pulled over by 2 cops.

well, they asked if he drank and stuf, he said no. he showed licence and registration and all that stuff.

well, the cops talked to us again after looking all his info up and said something along the lines of everythign is ok now.

well, then a couple minutes later the cop came and searched the car for "weapons, or alochol". for his "safety"

i was worried, but he ust ended up getting a ticket and i didnt get caught. all ended up well for me. but i was suuprised they searched the car.

as long as you're not driving, i didn't think you could get in trouble just for being drunk.

at the age of 17 you can

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For people wondering what GDL is (I think this might only be a Wisconsin rule) but anyways. GDL is graduated driving license. Its given to you for a period of 9 months-12 months after you get your license, now they just passed a law, everyone in WI is on GDL untill 18. On the GDL you can only have 1 other person in your car, unless a family member, then you can have more. You can only drive bewteen the hours of 6 A.M. and midnight. Along with that comes if you get any kind of ticket, your points double. I got a speeding ticket, so those 3 doubled to 6. This GDL ticket I believe is 4 doubled to 8, which adds up to 14 points. Its a screwy way for the state to make more money I believe, but they say its so less teens die each year.

Anyways back to my story. There was no reason to search my car, nothing was illegal that he seen and nothing was in plain veiw. He also found nothing because I didn't have anything illegal. It just pissed me off how big of a dick head cops can be, and theres nothing we can do about it. It was kind of nice to see him search because he really thought he was going to find something and get me in more trouble, but coulldn't though. The fine is about 200 bucks for restricting class D (GDL). I just beleive I have a case and should at least get my points droped. My points are below.

1-I didn't know I was on GDL, I never got a notification or a letter.

2-Everyone else was tired and sleeping, would you want someone like that driving..(Thought the state was trying to cut down on deaths)

3-The police officers tint reading was incorrect, he stated a 27, I have paper work showing its a 35, and have a reading from a place that states its a 35 (professionaly done)

4-He illegaly searched my car, and he made me feel like a criminal.

Im going to try to use all this in court. I just hope they take my points away, I'll pay the fine, I just dont want to lose my license for something so stupid. I didn't do anything wrong.

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I'am pretty sure that a cop does have to have a warrent to be able to search your car.

last nite a friend and i went to a party.

i drank, but my friend didnt.

well, he 4got to turn his lights on for like 1 block and we got pulled over by 2 cops.

well, they asked if he drank and stuf, he said no. he showed licence and registration and all that stuff.

well, the cops talked to us again after looking all his info up and said something along the lines of everythign is ok now.

well, then a couple minutes later the cop came and searched the car for "weapons, or alochol". for his "safety"

i was worried, but he ust ended up getting a ticket and i didnt get caught. all ended up well for me. but i was suuprised they searched the car.

as long as you're not driving, i didn't think you could get in trouble just for being drunk.

at the age of 17 you can

I don't think theres anything they can do if you have already drank it.

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usually they call you parents and make them come get you, or take u home in a cop car to them.

You're afraid of that?

actually not really my dad would have cared.

but we were in the "Bad" part of town and came froma street with tons of partys so im suprised he didnt ask me anything.

ill be 18 in 3 months so i dunno what they could have done 2 me.

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For people wondering what GDL is (I think this might only be a Wisconsin rule) but anyways. GDL is graduated driving license. Its given to you for a period of 9 months-12 months after you get your license, now they just passed a law, everyone in WI is on GDL untill 18. On the GDL you can only have 1 other person in your car, unless a family member, then you can have more. You can only drive bewteen the hours of 6 A.M. and midnight. Along with that comes if you get any kind of ticket, your points double. I got a speeding ticket, so those 3 doubled to 6. This GDL ticket I believe is 4 doubled to 8, which adds up to 14 points. Its a screwy way for the state to make more money I believe, but they say its so less teens die each year.

Anyways back to my story. There was no reason to search my car, nothing was illegal that he seen and nothing was in plain veiw. He also found nothing because I didn't have anything illegal. It just pissed me off how big of a dick head cops can be, and theres nothing we can do about it. It was kind of nice to see him search because he really thought he was going to find something and get me in more trouble, but coulldn't though. The fine is about 200 bucks for restricting class D (GDL). I just beleive I have a case and should at least get my points droped. My points are below.

1-I didn't know I was on GDL, I never got a notification or a letter.

2-Everyone else was tired and sleeping, would you want someone like that driving..(Thought the state was trying to cut down on deaths)

3-The police officers tint reading was incorrect, he stated a 27, I have paper work showing its a 35, and have a reading from a place that states its a 35 (professionaly done)

4-He illegaly searched my car, and he made me feel like a criminal.

Im going to try to use all this in court. I just hope they take my points away, I'll pay the fine, I just dont want to lose my license for something so stupid. I didn't do anything wrong.

Well if you are going to get your license taken away with this ticket, you have no reason not to fight it. Be prepared and have some actual proof. Th judge isnt going to care that your friends were tired, or that you didnt know you were on the GDL. Bring proof from the shop that your timt is actually 35 (which I am assuming is Legal and 27 is not?).

Your illgeal search point wont fly, you popped the trunk giving him permission. Although he may have badgered you and threatened you you cant prove it, its your word against his and the cop will always win in that situtaion.

What is the ticket for, the tint? Or driving on the GDL too late etc...

If its the tint and you can show that the tint was in fact legal you should win your case.

If all else fails tell the judge that you need your car for school, work, constructive after shcool activities etc, and that without your car you would not be able to do those things. The judge may lower the points but dont expect any fines to be dropped, or she amy give you a restricted license to drive to school, work, hockey etc, which is better than not having a license I suppose.

Good Luck,


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I got a GDL ticket for having more than one other person in the car. I do need my car for school, so I hope they are nice enough to drop the points, I'll still pay the fine. My tint is still illegal, because of WI but where I baught my car in texas it is legal. Do they ever just take away the points and you still have to pay the fine? Thanks.

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