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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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x-box 360

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Solo isn't that great, and in my opinion multiplayer gets old really fast. I played the single player demo and thought it was awesome, so I rented it for shits and grins. There's 4 or 5 campaigns to play through with 5 missions a piece, but I got bored with it after 2 days or so. Same deal for my friend. Maybe I just have ADD, but you can only shoot so many zombies before it just gets repetitive.

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Hearing about a friend capping a fellow survivor in the face seemed worth it alone to me, but then again online gaming seems lame to me. Reading/ hearing about the douchebags who play the EA games makes me think I'd just have an aneurysm.

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No, it's not because you're ADD,, it does just get boring quick. I HAD to have it, blew through all 4 campaigns they played multi-player.. it got boring quick. Almost as much of a disappointment as Gears 2.

For what it's worth Radio... I heard the same rumor before I bought mine, and all 5 that went ka-blooey on my were laying flat.

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