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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Got done with school today...

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Had my final final today, but its pretty much like I've been out all week. My school has a killer final schedule, seven classes, 2 finals per day, one from 8-10, the other from 10:30-12:30. Not bad when no final takes over an hour, plus you don't have to be on campus if you aren't testing.

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i finished my last exam on monday, i just hafta get yearbooks tomorrow. that, and sit through a 3 hours long assembly

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Geez, we get out on the 23rd of june. When do u guys getting out in may go back to school. We are back on the 1st of september.

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Geez, we get out on the 23rd of june. When do u guys getting out in may go back to school. We are back on the 1st of september.

We get out May 28th and go back on August 11th. Beleive no matter what day you get out it all evens out in the long run.

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I'd rather get out two weeks later and go back two weeks later, strictly for weather related causes. Right now, its fricken 50 degrees and rainy out, and we always have the best weather at the end of August/begining of Sept.

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I totally agree especially up here in canada since we have winter from like October to March, then the snow melts for a week or two then it snows again. It completely destroyed our greens at the golf course because the care taker decided to use some stuff to defrost the green, they were just growing and it dropped from +15 to -21. :angry:

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I've been on a binder since May 1st (when I had comencement). But as of July 1st, I enter the real world.


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